Was du brauchst
- Sofern Schrauben verwendet werden, handelt es sich um Standard-Torx-Schrauben.
- Bei jeder Reparatur muss zuerst die Displayeinheit entfernt werden. Sie ist mit einem hartnäckigen Kleber festgeklebt, es ist daher schwierig sie ohne Schäden zu auszubauen und ein Ersatz ist recht teuer.
- Der Akku ist ebenfalls fest verklebt, so dass man ihn nur mit viel Hitze und Lösungsmitteln entfernen kann.
- Der Arbeitsspeicher, die SSD und die CPU sind alle mit der Hauptplatine verlötet. Der Austausch einer dieser Komponenten erfordert einen vollständigen Austausch des gesamten Motherboards.

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16 Kommentare
that is disappointing. Had small camera issue and just received another device in Microsoft store as warranty case
Yakauleu Aliaksandr - Antwort
lol this video is disappointing for sure
Tyler Salazar -
Hi, What is the bluetooth module on surfece pro 7?
John Ostrowski - Antwort
It uses an Intel AX201 WiFi chipset, and the bluetooth module built into that.
Chris N -
I’m looking for a replacement touch screen connector for the Surface Pro 7 but i can only find the older model for the pro4 and pro5, could anyone point me in the right direction
James B - Antwort
Does this contain the Intel JHL8040R Thunderbolt retimer chip for the USB-C port, even though Microsoft disabled the Ice Lake Thunderbolt in firmware?
Nicholas Johnson - Antwort
Nice to see they cut off the wifi antenna occasionally too…
Corey Glasper - Antwort
These videos stink. Just publish the webpage. Jeez. Thanks!
Juan Kerr - Antwort
When will you tear down a 7+?
Albert Oloie - Antwort
Make a teardown of the new Surface Pro 7+ for Business and Surface Laptop 4 Because I know it will be more repairable.
PechayClub - Antwort
Hello, did I understood correct - that I cannot remove the ssd of an pro 7 Surface? My ssd is broke and I have to remove it.
Kind Regards
Anne - Antwort
I have the dreaded surface pro 7 precise Touch device code 10 problem causing my Touchscreen not work. I have tried all the published suggestions to fix it ie enable/disable , remove rescan drivers, reset machine, restore machine to factory settings but none work. I have tried to load new driver but it won't let me failing the reload and back to problem driver. also changed the screen and tried a new driver board (L shaped board under screen) and new screen cables, all to no avail. The Touchscreen does not work in UEFI mode. All the written advice is that its a hardware fault and cannot be repaired - is this the correct? I could guess that its all driven from the motherboard and that would be a complex and expensive repair. Can you advise please. Other than this one problem, my Pro 7 works very well in all other modes.
Paul Barratt - Antwort
Does anyone know if the rear housing on the 7 is interchangeable with the surface pro 5?
Matthew Young - Antwort
Hi my surface pro 7 turned on and showed low battery screen and then turned off, after that unable to turn on with the charger in place. Any idea kindly?
Khan - Antwort
i should have told my dad not to buy this
minh - Antwort
My pro 7 only shows logo and nothing more , What can I do ?
Jailton Rocha Alves Filho - Antwort