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Dieser Teardown ist keine Reparaturanleitung. Um dein Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus zu reparieren, verwende unsere Fehlerbehebungsseite.

    • Alle Schrauben lassen sich mit einem Kreuzschlitz-Schraubendreher lösen.
    • Viele Komponenten sind modular und können einzeln ausgetauscht werden - allerdings ist die Ladebuchse mit der Hauptplatine verlötet.
    • Der Akku lässt sich tauschen, ist allerdings unnötig stark verklebt.
    • Vorder- und Rückseite bestehen aus Glas und sind verklebt. Dies erhöht das Risiko eines Bruchschadens und erschwert das Öffnen des Geräts.
    • Zum Tausch des Displays ist viel Zerlegearbeit und ein Kampf mit zähem Kleber nötig.
    Reparierbarkeit 3 von 10
    (10 ist am einfachsten zu reparieren)

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9 Kommentare

I was waiting for this teardown. A 3 out of 10 ?!?! I never dreamed that the score could get worse from the 4 from last year. Say what you want about Apple, at least they are somewhat customer “friendly” and make it relatively easy to fix the screen or replace the battery. I wanted to love the S10 but repairability is a huge factor for me. Sigh… I guess I will just to live with the Xr’s stupid notch.

W.M. - Antwort

It is a shame. We are always ragging on Apple for being so anti-consumer but their iPhone has remained as one of the most repairable phones out there while our precious android phones are all glued together. Feels bad man. :( Not looking forward to chiseling the back off my Oneplus 6 to replace the battery when the time comes.

The new Galaxy Watch looks like a win for consumers though! If smart watches are your thing.

core:tech -

I Guess I'm kinda lost as to the point of worrying about things like this? Smartphone batteries have gotten better and better and are far from the days when we used to actually carry around extra batteries because we had to! LoL ~ And generally new devices seem to last the “practical” life of the phone, even with more of us keeping our devices longer.

Most people lack the skills necessary to disassemble even a non-glass backed phone without damaging it! LoL ~ And most simply upgrade after 2-3 years use max for the latest tech updates…

Those that make buying decisions based on being able to physically break down and repair their own device are really just a small group of super nerds that feel every little thing should be made for their ease of use… Which to me is just ridiculous, and I'm one of those super nerds! LoL

These devices continue to get more and more powerful yet everything is crammed into nice neat pocket size packages! There has to be trade offs for all this power in such small packages…

Richard CMG - Antwort

Found the anti-repair bill shill.

You do realize what site you’re on, right? Hint: it’s not iDontNeedToFixIt.com

Sarah -

Do you guys know if the normal s10+ screen will work with the ceramic model?

John Oldman - Antwort

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