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Ein Kommentar
Similar battery I have in imac from 2007 and it's still working... so where is advantage?
Repairability is not good, hard disk is impossible to swap, ram the same, screen is glued to back panels,
it's like cheap shoes actually, not just slightly. Imagine imac where screen is screwed, is possible,
simply some part of frame under screen can be glued permanently to the screen and only then tightened
to the rest of the housing. Inside there is plenty of space for a replaceable M.2 drive, enough place for RAM ports,
why and for what this absurd minimization? It will pull some money out of people, because I will have to faster
replace the computer with a new one, but many may turn away from the system. Besides, it creates
quite unsavorable, sour and unpleasasable aura around the Mac system. In general, there are a lot of premises,
that also this time Apple's excessive greed will hurt them sooner or later.
pmk - Antwort