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Needle Isn't Threaded
There is no thread through the eye of the needle.
Thread the Needle
The needle needs to be threaded before you begin using your machine. Check if your thread is passed through the eye of the needle. If not, start by pulling the thread under the tension dial and passing it through the hole of the up and down lever. Then pass the thread through the second thread guide to the left of the lever. You will need to turn the hand wheel clockwise to move the needle up. Your Singer EZ-Stitch should come with a needle threader (a black plastic triangular piece), insert the wire ends of the threader through the left side opening of the protective cover and then through the needle. They should come out the other side of the protective cover. Pass the length of your thread through the needle threader wire and pull the threader out, passing the thread through the eye of the needle.
Replace the Spool
Switch out your thread for a new spool.
Stitches Won't Stay
The stitches come loose or can be pulled from the fabric.
Thread can be Pulled from Fabric
The Singer EZ-Stitch can only do what’s known as a chainstitch. That means that it uses just one spool of thread rather than the traditional bobbin and spool that most machines use. You will need to double back to complete the stitch. View our guide here.
Thread is Loose
If the stitches are loosely formed this can be because the thread tension is too loose. Alternatively, if the thread keeps jumping out of the needle, this can be because the thread tension is too tight.
Adjust the Thread Tension
Try pulling on the end of the thread, if it doesn’t pull through with relative ease, you can adjust the tension knob counterclockwise to release some of the pressure. If your stitches appear loose, you can adjust the tension knob clockwise to tighten the thread.
20 Kommentare
Cannot get the stitch right . The back of the stitch is loose.
Barbara Beach - Antwort
The stitch is loose on the back of stitch.
Barbara Beach - Antwort
The stitch is very loose on back of stitch.
Barbara Beach - Antwort
I posted a comment. The stitch is very loose on the back of stitch.
Barbara Beach -
The stitch is very loose on the back.
Barbara Beach - Antwort
Is there a bobbin the change? There is no second thread
Michelle Prior - Antwort
Will not sew. Thread goes down, but doesn’t catch thread and make chain stitch. All you see on the material is the hole where needle went through and came back up.
Gloria Mercer - Antwort
Chids’s singer zig zag chain stitch sewing machine will not sew. Thread goes down , but doesn’ catch thread and make chain stitch. All you see on the material is the hole where needle when through material and came back up.
Gloria Mercer - Antwort
The string on the bottom of the sewing machine that would be the back of the stitch, tangled and now there is only 1 string from the top spool that is available to be stitched.. is it already broken??
Bri dodd - Antwort
Where can extra spools be purchased?
a.waggoner - Antwort
Need more thread where do i get the size that fits in the machine?
zoeylynngryga - Antwort
what size is the spring that hold the bobbin on the handheld? I need to replace mine.
Mori Claudia Blasco - Antwort
Can you buy a replacement needle threader
duncan_mike - Antwort
What does it mean when my singer quick stich won't stop running
Teresa Tony - Antwort
I have tried and tried, adjusted tension a million times and this is AFTER spending 30 min trying to thread that stupid needle. I CAN NOT get a stitch to stay, shoot I can't figure out how it is even supposed to stay without a bobbin.! At best I have seen 1 stitch but it was gone when I pulled it closer. There is no way it can stay without the thread from a bobbin. But by now I could have easily finished the project I wanted to do plus a few more in the amount of time I spent trying to figure out this hunk of junk. Be smart and just keep walking when you see this on the shelf. Don't forget to say " Not me sucka ! Not this time!"
lynda stohr - Antwort
How do I change the needle on the ez model?
Sewsewsew - Antwort
Hi, did u ever figure this one out? i cant seem to find a video or any discussion on this topic. broke the needle and now cant change it for my son :(
Maleeha Athar Zubairi -
how to change the needle for this model?
Maleeha Athar Zubairi - Antwort
Is there a bobbin in this machine I can’t find a way in and it’s threaded but the stitch doesn’t stay
Antoinette Farley - Antwort
I guess this is just a place you put your comments because nobody answers anything right? I wish I read these before I got the sewing machine because it’s a piece of $@$*. I hope people read this before they buy it and they should have to pay for the scrap spending money on something they know doesn’t work.
Antoinette Farley - Antwort