Wenn die Ladeschiene beschädigt ist, gibt es Kontaktprobleme beim Verbinden und Laden des Joy-Cons an der Nintendo Switch Konsole.
Diese Anleitung zeigt dir, wie du die Ladeschiene des Joy-Cons austauschen kannst.
Bevor du diese Anleitung in Angriff nimmst, überprüfe bitte, ob es verbogene Anschlüsse in der Ladeschiene gibt, die einfach zurückgebogen werden können.
Wenn möglich versuche die Joy-Cons an einer anderen Konsole oder über einen Joy-Con Ladeadapter zu laden, um ein Problem der Sensor-Schiene der Konsole auszuschließen.
Liegt ein Problem der Sensor-Schiene der Konsole vor, dann folge dieser Anleitung: Nintendo Switch linke Joy-Con Sensorschiene austauschen
Was du brauchst
Entferne die vier 6 mm Tri-Point Y00 Schrauben auf der Rückseite des Joy-Con.
Setze das Öffnungswerkzeug an der Unterseite des Joy-Cons ein und bewege es hoch in Richtung der L und ZL Schultertasten.
Klappe die Rückseite des Joy-Cons seitlich ab und lege es vorsichtig zur Seite.
Setze einen Spudger oder ein anderes Hebelwerkzeug neben die Akkukabel und hebele den Akkustecker behutsam aus seinem Anschluss auf der Hauptplatine.
Wenn der Stecker ab ist, dann hebe den Akku aus dem Mittelrahmen heraus.
Drehe die drei goldfarbenen 3 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben heraus, mit denen der Mittelrahmen befestigt ist.
Hebe den Mittelrahmen von der Hauptplatine ab und lege ihn zur Seite.
Be mindful of your L button on top, as it's not secured in placed once this plate is removed. If it comes off without intention, make sure you find and keep the spring with it
In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:Tweezers$4.99
Löse die Sperre am ZIF-Verbinder des Flachbandkabels vom Mittelrahmen zur Hauptplatine.
Ziehe das Flachbandkabel mit einer Pinzette behutsam aus seinem Anschluss heraus.
This step (disconnecting the midframe cable) is not strictly necessary, but if you don’t do it the frame can get in the way during reassembly.
Entsperre die beiden ZIF-Verbinder der Flachbandkabel von der Ladeschiene zur Hauptplatine.
Ziehe die Flachbandkabel behutsam mit einer Pinzette aus den ZIF-Anschlüssen heraus.
How do you unlatch the connections.
The top connector has a latch; raising the cable slightly or prising in the slot on the side will release it. There is no latch on the bottom connector; just gently ease the cable out.
The bottom connector absolutely DOES have a ZIF connector, but it's on the opposite side. The tweezers in the second picture are pointing directly at the connector, and it slides up to the left (from the perspective of the picture).
That little grey piece on the bottom connector flew off the connector when I put a spudger under it. I can't get it back on regardless of what I've tried, so I'm likely to leave it off rather than risk bending pins. Looks like this little grey piece is wedged between two tuning fork shapes for each pin. If anyone knows the connector name I'd love to take a look at the datasheet as the disconnect/reconnect is making no sense to me.
Took me ages to figure out how to put it back on. Just make sure you lift it up to rotate it rather than push it back parallel with the board (like some other connectors). See here for how to replace it if it flies off (and you can find it) :D
Repositionnement du clapet de connecteur de nappe flexible -
Entferne die beiden 2 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben #000, mit denen die Ladeschiene an der rückseitigen Gehäusehälfte befestigt ist.
Entferne die Ladeschiene von der rückseitigen Gehäusehälfte.
Entferne die beiden 3 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben #000, mit denen die Leiterplatte in der Mitte befestigt ist.
Entferne die Leiterplatte von der Ladeschiene.
Entferne die SL-, SR- und Sync-Taste von der Ladeschiene.
If the new charging rail does not have the syncing led extenders, you can take them out and transfer them as well.
Setze die SL-, SR- und Sync Taste in die neue Ladeschiene ein. Achte darauf, dass die Laschen in der SL- und SR-Taste in die entsprecheneden Nuten passen.
Richte die Leiterplatte über den Tasten aus und befestige sie mit den beiden goldfarbenen 3 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben #000.
Richte die Ladeschiene auf den Abstandspfosten in der rückseitigen Gehäusehälften aus.
Schraube die Schiene mit den beiden 2 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben #000 fest.
Schiebe die beiden Flachbandkabel der Ladeschiene mit einer Pinzette in die ZIF-Anschlüsse auf der Hauptplatine ein.
Drücke die Sicherungen an jedem ZIF-Anschluss nach unten, um die Kabel festzuklemmen.
Note also that there is no latch on the lower cable.
On a Switch OLED Joy Con, both ZIF connectors have latches, one is black and one is the same color as the port
Schiebe das Flachbandkabel des Mittelrahmens mit einer Pinzette in den ZIF-Anschluss auf der Hauptplatine ein. Die goldenen Kontakte müssen nach oben zeigen.
Schiebe die beiden Flachbandkabel der Ladeschiene mit einer Pinzette in die ZIF-Anschlüsse auf der Hauptplatine ein. Drücke die Sicherung am ZIF-Anschluss nach unten, um das Kabel festzuklemmen.
Richte den Mittelrahmen über der Hauptplatine aus.
Schraube den Mittelrahmen mit den drei goldfarbenen 3 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben #000 fest.
Richte den Akku im Mittelrahmen aus.
Richte den Akkustecker mit einer Pinzette über dem Anschluss aus. Drücke ihn dann mit einem Hebelwerkzeug oder einem anderen flachen Werkzeug in seinen Anschluss hinein.
Richte die Ladeschiene in der Vertiefung des Joy-Cons aus.
Drücke gleichmäßig auf die beiden Gehäuseteile, bis die beiden Hälften zusammenklicken.
Drehe die vier 6 mm Tri-Point Y00 Schrauben auf der Rückseite des Joy-Cons fest.
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16 Kommentare
I did this and still doesn’t work. I also changed the rail on the console side too. Very carefully of course. Any ideas?
Hey Luis,
Can you give me more detail on the problem? Like is the Joy-Con not being detected when it’s plugged in or is it not charging. If possible, can you test the console rail with a working Joy-Con?
If the Joy-Con is not charging, it could also be a battery problem. If you are comfortable with it, I would suggest swapping out the battery with a working one from the other Joy-Con to see if it solves the problem. You should probably attempt this after double-checking the connections for potential tears or if the connectors are too loose in the sockets.
Hi, I need help. My left Joy-Con is not charging because of the ZIF connector for the charging rail ribbon has been detached and I have lost it. Is there a way to fix this problem?
Honestly, I would recommend replacing the entire Motherboard, unless you can find a trusted repair shop to solder it on.
I damaged the ZIF connector for the battery on my Switch. It works with some pressure and perfect alignment, but I've had issues ever since I damaged it during repairs :/
I'm going to swap it with a functional motherboard, I would advise you do the same.
Hello need a little help. the ribbon cable will not stay connected. and it will not charger. Any thing will help.
I damaged my joy con and the lower ribbon wire that connects to the battery has burned out. Is there anyway I can get another set of wires or what not?
Hi There, i trust a bad guide not from here, and seemed to have broke the charging ribbon attachment area. Any way to fix it?
in this guide, it would be step 6, second image. the black part that wraps around the ribbon when it is attached is ripped in half. Some other youtuber said to detach the latch from the front, which i tried. but it was actually in the rear. because he didn't show the step clearly, figured it was that. As i've seen other laptop ribbon latches are similar, pull the thing out, and it pops out. in this case, that was a ribbon connector, and the latch is a flip latch from the rear...
hope you can help. thanks.
What if the charging rail is totally broken off? Like, it was pushed off the counter by a small child and the charging rain is totally torn off from the controller
If both ribbon cables are completely severed on the rail then you would probably have to also buy a SL/SR PCB replacement. The process would still be the same just use the new SL/SR PCB and make sure that the PCB is for the correct joycon. If you want to find it, you can search for SL SR flex cable or sometimes they are also sold with a new charging rail.
I forgot to mention if you broke the peg on the back shell then you may need to replace the back shell. Alternatively, you can try to glue it back together, but if you do, you should check if it can withstand a bit of pressure.
Hi I need someones help with my right joy con stick's charging rail. It is charging alright but it's not connecting to my switch in hand-held mode. Is it possible that somebody could post a tutorial like this but for the right joy con? It will really help me a bunch. Thanks.
I would also like this tutorial but for the Right Joy Con. I would've assumed they are similar, but since the guides are labelled very specifically per side, I'd rather not risk it.
My Right Joy Con is not recognised by the Switch, wirelessly or when attached. As a result it doesn't charge, and so It's now off permanently :(
PuyoBop -
Is there a video of this guide?
When removing the battery using the tweezers as shown the socket also detached with the battery connector. I didn’t know I could just gently remove them with my fingers…. is there any way to reattach the socket to the motherboard properly? I used nail glue, and now the joycon wont charge and my switch isn’t reading the it. Sometimes it shows but it will only work when connected to the switch.
This guide also works for the Joy con right?