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Diese Anleitung zeigt dir, wie du die Hauptplatine austauschen kannst. Dies erfordert den Ausbau nahezu jedes Bauteils.
Was du brauchst
Setze einen Spudger unter die Lautsprecherabdeckungen, erzeuge einen kleinen Spalt und entferne sie dann
Entferne an der Unterseite den Gummifuß mit dem Beats Pill Logo.
Unter dem Gummifuß befinden sich vier Kreuzschlitzschrauben #0. Drehe sie heraus.
Drehe zwei Kreuzschlitzschrauben #0 heraus.
Entferne langsam die zentrale bandförmige Abdeckung und die beiden Ringclips aus der Klebeverbindung.
Benutze einen Spudger und beginne in der Mitte mit dem Trennen der Gehäusenaht.
Zerlege das Gerät in zwei Gehäuseteile. Es sollte dann wie in Bild 3 aussehen.
Ziehe den Stecker mit den Lautsprecheranschlüssen (gelb, rot, schwarz, weiß) von der Hauptplatine ab.
Entferne behutsam das Kabel des NFC-Sensors (rot und schwarz).
Löse den Stecker, der zur Steuereinheit führt. Er hat fünf Kabel, vier schwarze und ein rotes.
Entferne vier 6,97 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben #0, welche die Akkuhalterungen festhalten.
Entferne die drei Kreuzschlitzschrauben #0 (Durchmesser 1,83 mm, Länge 9 mm) und die Gummiunterlagen, welche die Hauptplatine befestigen.
Hebe die Hauptplatine vorsichtig aus dem Gehäuse. Entferne auch das gelbe NFC Modul mit einer Pinzette.
Zwicke das rote und schwarze Kabel an der Hauptplatine mit einem Seitenschneider ab.
Löte den Akku an die neue Hauptplatine an, das rote Kabel an Plus, das schwarze an Minus. Unsere Lötanleitung hilft dir dabei.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
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14 Kommentare
Hi everyone!
Does anyone know from where I can buy a motherboard for a Beats Pill??
How do I unplug the cord from the battery? I don't want to damage any cords or plugs, Thanks!
Same as akon4konvicted: "Does anyone know from where I can buy a motherboard for a Beats Pill??
While trying to repair I snapped that yellow part with the thin copper running through it, I tried to repair this with superglue but I don't think it worked. Not sure what the part does but is it still safe to use?
Hey Calvin. Unfortunately that part is actually a flexible circuit. Superglue unfortunately will not restore the ability for current to travel through the cable, as superglue doesn't conduct. I imagine the device is safe to use, however the device will not work. If you do power it on, I would monitor the device to see if heat is being generated, as this can be dangerous. You will need to find an intact cable to replace the broken one, though, to restore the device to working order.
Good afternoon,
I am trying to figure the value of the inductor sitting behind the micro USB charging connector. That inductor was the one causing the failure in my case. Can anyone tell me?
The prung in my beats came off some one plugging the plug in wrong can it be fixed
Where can you buy the motherboard for the pill?
My beats pill acts like it's turning on then just shuts off. Any suggestions
Looking for power board for my beats pill model A1680, thanks
I think the beats pill 1.0 sucks, all mine does is gets super hot at both ends when trying to even charge the thing. I’ve tried a different plug, audio cable, the default mode reset, it won’t charge & hasn’t e Ed Ben turned on for a second. I’ve tried calling Apple for assistance - I had a case -# & 2 people helping me, then they just dropped me like a bad apple (no pun intended) & closed my case when it wasn’t even resolved or looked at. They know exactly what’s wrong w/these speakers!
All is working but sound problem
Sound problem
I bought a brand new Beats Pill 1.0 online last week the first night it seemed to work all right the next day I charged it I plugged it in and it was crackling on the left hand side from the front and now the whole volume of both sides very low but it is still getting a Bluetooth connectivity I tried to reset it by holding the baby and the power button to get this thing in the back to flag it would not reset that way any suggestions I meant it is for a lot of money I paid $170 I thought I was getting a brand new device
Steven Sudnick - Antwort