Beim Ersetzen der Festplatte müssen die Torx Schrauben, die eingebaut waren, mit der neuen Festplatte weiter genutzt werden.
Was du brauchst
Löse die acht 4 mm Kreuzschlitz Schrauben, die die untere Abdeckung befestigen.
Hebe die untere Abdeckung vorsichtig in der Nähe der Lüftungsöffnung an.
Öffne den Spalt weiter mit den Fingern, bis sich die Abdeckung von den verbleibenden Clips löst.
Do the retaining clips have to be re-engaged when replacing the lower case?
Answering my own question, the clips re-engage when the lower case is correctly positioned. You can help them by gently pressing the lower case with your thumbs midway along the two short sides. When everything is correctly aligned the eight screw holes line up.
Rather than running your fingernail down the sides to free up the retaining clips, I found that using an old credit card, inserted about 1/4”, to run along the left and right side popped those end retaining clips right off with no problem. You may need to twist the card slightly when in the middle area to help pop those off.
Hebe den Akkuanschluss mit dem flachen Ende des Spudgers aus seinem Sockel auf dem Logic Board.
you do not need to remove the battery when replacing the hard drive or ram
Be careful of the corner of the battery cable connector when trying to pry it off with the spudge. I knocked the corner of mine. No operational impact but was not very pleasing!
Not necessary, but a good idea, so as to avoid any spurious charges going through the boards...
@Svenaustx - What could happen if not removing this battery? Worst case? Not a geek on this but did change RAM on my Macbook Pro "15. Can't remember disconneting the battery back then. Shouldn't it be sufficient shutting the Mac off and ensure it has been used for an hour or so before replacing RAM?
Entferne die beiden 11 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben, welche die Festplattenhalterung am oberen Gehäuse befestigen.
Hebe die Halterung aus dem oberen Gehäuse.
Wenn du später nach dem Austausch der Festplatte die Halterung wieder einbaust, sollte das sehr leicht gehen. Wenn sie sich nicht leicht einsetzen lässt, dann kannst du sie umdrehen und es erneut probieren.
Hebe die Festplatte an ihrer Zuglasche heraus und ziehe sie weg vom oberen Gehäuse. Achte darauf, dass sie immer noch mit einem Kabel am Logic Board angeschlossen ist.
Entferne das Festplattenkabel, indem du den Stecker gerade von der Festplatte abziehst.
Entferne die zwei Torx T6 Schrauben von den zwei Seiten der Festplatte (4 Schrauben insgesamt).
If you don't have a T6 Torx screwdriver, you can use snub nose pliers to unscrew them by clamping on the screws and turning them out.
Um eine neue Festplatte einzubauen, folge den Anweisungen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Um eine neue Festplatte einzubauen, folge den Anweisungen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
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21 Kommentare
can i install an ssd instead of a normal hd?
Yes, absolutely. I switched mine out with a Kingston 120GB SSD.
By the looks of it. The Crucial MX100 is explicitly said to be compatible and has SATA III:
Albert -
I replaced the original 250GB Hitachi hard drive with a 1TB Samsung HN-M101MBB. Everything worked fine, but now the fan is always running. Maybe the temeprature sensor of the hard drive doesn't connect with the computer?
Thank you! I was able to easily change the hard drive of my daughter's Macbook. Didn't need the spudger at any point though, which is good as only had makeshift options available for that.
(Wasn't able to update the OS on same drive as it didn't show as an option in OS installation even after trying Erase/Partition steps using the Utility, as mentioned at several places online. But did finally manage to clone from Time Machine backup and then update the OS onto that.)
Can I use/nstall a 7mm thick 2.5-inch SSD (solid state drive)?
Hey I have a 2011 13" that needs a new hard drive , would this work ? Also any other options ? Plz help!!
Hey I need to know what hard drive I could use for my 2011 MacBook Pro. Also is there other options ? Thanks !!
No Torx screwdriver? No problem! You can easily remove and replace the Torx screws with some good pliers or vice grips.
I had to use a pair of crimpers to get a good grip on one of my torx screws that was stripped. I'm gonna be investing in a small pair of those adjustable pliers(with the crew thing on one of the handles) for my tinker toolbox.
No problem with replacing the drive, but when I rebooted, some keys on the right hand side of the keyboard, including L and the Return key, had stopped working. What could it be?
I just swapped the original 250 Gb HD with a 275Gb Crucial MX300 2.5-inch SSD on my sister's MacBook and the speed is just amazing !
Thanks a lot for this guide, you saved my sister's mac :)
The only hiccups i came across was that the Phillips #00 screwdriver didn't really want to fit the 11mm screws in step 4. So i striped one of the screws a little bit. Maybe it requires a different size. Also i wish that there was a link to show the process in reverse but it's easy enough to figure out. Overall the process was painless, the instructions are short and simple and the pictures are an amazing aid. I took it at an easy pace with music playing in the background on my iPhone. So I have just finished installing a Samsung 500gb Solid State Drive (pre loaded with El Capitan) into my little MacBook. She booted right up and now with an upgraded hard drive, a little extra Ram, and a updated OSX, i have just extended the life of my little old Macbook. It's now the perfect travel/school laptop with out having to risk loosing, damaging or getting my new MacBookPro stolen.
This was a pretty easy fix. The longest part was waiting for the Time Machine restore to complete. I was worried for a bit tho because I didn't have the original install disks, I bought my MacBook used off of Amazon for pretty cheap. Now that I have a new 1Tb SSD, I'm thinking of boosting my RAM up to 8Gb even though I just installed 4Gb a few months ago from the 1Gb that it came with. I'm so glad that my friend told me about this site!
Hi, I switched to a 480 GB OCZ TR150 SSD from the list of spare parts but my MacBook does not recognize the SSD. Back to the original HDD everything works fine. What can I do to get the SSD working?
After i made it, My macbook just starts and after 2 seconds turns off. What can i do?
According to this page http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1651?viewl..., the 8 screws are not identical.
Can anybody tell me where each kind of screw is supposed to go?
Gregoire - Antwort
They are all 100% Identical. You were probably looking at a different model, or Apple has entered the wrong information... Hey, It happens...
Owen Davies -
The screws on the Late 2009 are identical. The blue lock compound might make tightening some require a little more effort.
svenaustx - Antwort
Can I replace it with a SATA 3 cable?
nm - Antwort
A1342 macbook does not have the right controller to support sata III
Owen Davies -
hi, i just got back from the apple store and they are really keen for me to upgrade to a new laptop since my battery is old and the screen is cracked, so glad i found ifixit i would love to upgrade this puppy! gonna make it a real sleeper! styler hall wrote about sticking 16 gb of ram in his a 1342 ? is this a simply mather of ordering 3 4gb sticks ?aslo i currently have 4 gb and would like to upgrade to 8 ( or indeed 16) does that mean i need to buy all new sticks or can i continue to use the old one and stick a new one next to it ?
thanks again mick van aar, perth western aus.
michelvanaar - Antwort
The A1342 will take up to 16 GB of RAM, however, there are only two RAM slots, so use two 8-GB RAM modules. Other World Computing (OWC) is a great reference source for info on exactly which RAM to use with which model; prices are usually much better on EBay though. Add an SSD from OWC and your machine will really scream!
I hope that helps!
gdesbrisay -
Gregoire is right. The 8 screws are absolutely NOT identical, I’m looking at them right now, weeowey weeowey.
John Guzman - Antwort
I just wanted to say that, in 2020, i used these instructions to replace the magsafe socket on my A1286, mid-2012, pre-Retina MacBook Pro. The internal layout is not quite the same but close enough for me to do the job. I skipped the steps of fully disconnecting the fans and speakers because of what others had said about breaking the sockets. it just meant I had to be extremely careful when lifting up the main board so that I did not tear and break the connections. I was able to disconnect the old magsafe socket with the board flat and in situ, but there was no where near enough room to be able to aline and press home the new par home. Reluctantly i had to lever up the board. This was difficult as there is a tapped post that holds a screw in the way close to where the USB sockets are, that prevented the board lifting up and out. I had to be quite forceful to manouevre the sockets out from the edge of the case.
Paul Burridge - Antwort