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PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen

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  1. PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen, Abdeckung: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 2 PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen, Abdeckung: Schritt 1, Bild 2 von 2
    • Entferne mit der Spitze eines Spudgers den schwarzen Gummi-Schraubdeckel von der Seite der PS3.

    • Die Schrauben-Abdeckung kann unter einem Garantie-Aufkleber sein. Dieser Aufkleber wird nach dem Entfernen sein Aussehen ändern und "VOID" (Ungültig) anzeigen.

    Fake repair. Real fault: How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...

    Player - Antwort

  2. PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die 8,5 mm TR10 Torx Security Schraube von der Abdeckung.

    How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...

    Player - Antwort

    I need a tork screw bracket / holder A/E/B/E01- MG and security torx screw for a CECH-AO1 do u guys sell these?

    vuhx - Antwort

  3. PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 3 PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 3, Bild 2 von 3 PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 3, Bild 3 von 3
    • Ziehe die Abdeckung in Richtung des Festplattenschachts, dann hebe sie vom Körper der PS3 ab.

    How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...

    Player - Antwort

  4. PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 4, Bild 1 von 1
    • Achte auf den kleinen Metallbügel, der lose in der oberen Abdeckung gehalten wird.

    That small metal bracket/socket set up looks completely different in the ps3 I'm working on. Model: CECHK01.

    Any suggestions?

    Marcus - Antwort

    different in mine too, Model: CECHP01

    Link Adrian - Antwort

    mine does not have one at all

    ian.downard01 - Antwort

    1How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...

    Player - Antwort

    Did not find in my CECHH01

    Philippe Morin - Antwort

    I don’t have this bracket, where I can get it ?

    Paul Bidny - Antwort

  5. PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen, Obere Abdeckung: Schritt 5, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die folgenden sieben Schrauben:

    • Sechs 52 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben

    • Eine 30 mm Kreuzschlitzschraube

    2 more smaller screws (don't know what size...small) just below the top middle screw and top right screw (in the picture). Look for the arrows...

    E Goo - Antwort

    can confirm, might be the backwards compatibles only

    Jordan Giese -

    This usually isn't needed as you can additionally unclip the card reader by pushing the tabs out while lifting the top, They are located at the bottom of the screw holes with the arrows pointing at them

    Kenneth Beerman -

    after you remove the screws, you may have to push a tab to take the cover off if you meet resistance on one side of the cover. Here is a link to a video that explains it, saved me lots of trouble:


    ericksi33 - Antwort

    Thanks @ericksi33, this really helped me out.

    hogurt -

    1st attempt, fan loud. Ps3 lasted about 2 wks. 2nd attempt noticed very poor contact between heatsink & cpu,gpu when taking it apart. Research - Found a better way to apply thermal past. I personally disapprove of guide on this. A small bit about the size of a grain of rice in center of cpu is plenty. Clamp the heat sinks back on. Then take it apart & check contact area. Thermal paste should have spread to about the size of a quarter.(more is better. Less then a nickel size is poor contact) possibly weak clamps. Carefully applied pressure onto the cpu & gpu, pressing them into the heatsinks before clamping heatsink clamps on. Achieved greater then quarter sized thermal past spread. Fan silent in comparison & ps3 lasted about a yr. Rarely did I ever hear the fan go to high and get loud after that. About to begin my third fix on this same ps3. One of the first 80g backwards compatible. other then those notes and that this guide was for a different model ps3 (minor differences) I liked this guide. easy to follow.

    brettgomes - Antwort

    Although the battery is described as proprietary, it looks like it is the common CR2032 lithium coin battery that is used in calculators and some computers. I haven't had to replace mine but I suspect under the heatshrink cover is a battery holder which will allow the coin battery to be removed and replaced. Then wrap with electrical tape and reinstall.

    RickP - Antwort

    I tried this with the heatgun and it ruined my PS3. The CPU and GPU are NOW RUINED!!! It did not work for and made things worst!!! I sent it to a place to get reballed and they said the HEATGUN had overheated my processor and killed them!!! So think twice about doing this. Just because it is already broken, DON'T THINK YOU CAN'T MAKE IT WORST!

    georgehollyoh - Antwort

    Why would you try it with a heat gun, no were is it mentioned to do that

    Phillip Pereira -

    There are 2 additional screws to remove , front center and front left , just behind the already marked screws.

    mikentc90 - Antwort

    As mentioned and I’ll add so detail too. If you have a model with the card readers there are two more small screws that also need to be removed before moving on to the next step.

    screech - Antwort

    2How to Delid and fix the Yellow Light of Death for good (NEC TOKIN Replacement) https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-delid...

    Player - Antwort

    I felt more comfortable with #2 screwdrivers.

    Philippe Morin - Antwort

  6. PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 6, Bild 1 von 1
    • Hebe die obere Abdeckung von der Hinterkante und drehe sie in Richtung der Vorderseite der PS3.

    • Entferne die obere Abdeckung.

    • Hinten rechts in der Ecke befindet sich ein kleiner Plastikhaken. Löse diesen vorsichtig, indem du mit einem Spudger durch die Öffnung dagegen drückst.

    Disconnect the memory card ribbon cable.

    Tobias Stockmann - Antwort

    The top would hardly budge on the left back corner and was stuck on the right back corner. There is a plastic hook that needs to be unfastened to lift the top off. It is located in a hole on the top back corner on the right hand side, so the corner straight across the on off button. Just gently push the plastic hook a bit front the rear of the machine with a spudger. It gives easily and the top will be free to lift off after that.

    cornellg - Antwort

    I can confirm on CECHH01.

    Philippe Morin -

    Some more details here as well.

    The newer model without SACD support appears to have added that clip to the back right that needs to be pressed to release the top shell.

    If equipped with the card reader you can either have to disconnect the ribbon cable or unclip the reader from the top shell after lifting it up to get finger or tool in there to push clip to side and release reader from top shell. Note: if you failed to remove the card reader screws in the previous step these clips can break.

    screech - Antwort

    The original 60GB with the CF card reader on the front has a button protruding out. This will make it difficult to remove the top. You need to unscrew the memory card reader so it can come out easily.

    Brian Caines - Antwort

    Wow, this needs more attention. This isn't explained in any disassembly guide I've seen. You also need to be cognizant of the card reader cable when you're lifting off the lid.

    SolidSonicTH -

    I didn't have trouble during disassembly, but reassembly was tough. I loosened the card reader screws by 1 turn and used a small gauge wire to lasso the button and ran it through the CF hole.

    Carl Garner -

    this really needs to be added to the guide i was struggling with mine trying to figure out why it wouldn't lift up. it was the CF reader button

    Doji ← -

    But I don't have a spudger

    Desi - Antwort

  7. PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen, Blu-ray Laufwerk: Schritt 7, Bild 1 von 1
    • Trenne die Blu-ray-Stromkabel von der Hauptplatine.

    • Ziehe den Stecker gerade nach oben und aus der Fassung.

    I would add… “Be careful taking these type of connectors apart” …. its easy to pull the entire thing off the motherboard and rip pads !

    The pulled pads can be replaced but its extra work you don’t need :-) and requires equipment and skill to do and cold require jumper wires.

    asears - Antwort

    Pull the cables gently, the plug will come out of the socket. The plug is encased by the socket.

    A K - Antwort

    That’s also what I did.

    Philippe Morin -

    My PS3 is the CECHL01 and I had to remove the PSU to get to the disk drive ribbon cable.

    Benjamin Burden - Antwort

    I mistakenly ripped the whole thing out... I do not know where to begin on repairing it.

    Tom Gillis - Antwort

  8. PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 8, Bild 1 von 1
    • Hebe vorsichtig das Blu-ray-Laufwerk von der Kante, die zur Stromversorgung zeigt, an und drehe es weg vom Gehäuse, um den Zugang zu den Flachbandkabeln zu ermöglichen.

  9. PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 9, Bild 1 von 3 PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 9, Bild 2 von 3 PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Laufwerk ersetzen: Schritt 9, Bild 3 von 3
    • Klappe mit deinem Fingernagel die Halterungen der Flachbandkabel an der Buchse nach oben.

    • Achte darauf nur an der Halteklappe und nicht an der Fassung selbst zu hebeln.

    • Ziehe das Flachbandkabel aus der Fassung.

    • Entferne das Blu-ray-Laufwerk aus der PS3.

    • Wenn du das Blu-ray Laufwerk austauschst, verwende das Netzkabel vom neuen Laufwerk.

    Not all systems look like this, some have tape instead of the flap.

    gatewaynomad - Antwort

    Every system that I have seen has had the ZIF connector, while some had tape over the connection as well. If your connectors are taped, be sure to remove the tape, then proceed with undoing the ZIF connector.

    Brett Hartt -

    The version 2 systems baseboard PCB started switching to the new narrow 24 pin ZIF header/ribbon and Blu-Ray drive connection.

    You should not attempt to detach the taped ribbon cable from the drive end first as described above for the older wide 60 pin ribbons. You must remove the drive and ribbon as one unit to protect the fragile ZIF sockets.

    The slimmer fragile ribbon is taped to the drive housing to afford a more secure ZIF connection. The opposite base connection is slightly under the PSU.


    shadetree - Antwort

    From continued

    One should firstly remove the PSU: Disconnect the drive power cable as described above. Unscrew the 5 (3-P1 2-P2) PSU mounting screws. Now leaving the power cables attached, lift the PSU off the power baseboard PCB pins and move over slightly to access the baseboard drive cable end ZIF. Release the ZIF latch and slide the entire (drive and ribbon) strait away from the baseboard ZIF to disconnect.

    After the complete drive/ribbon removal, you can carefully remove the restraining tape on the bottom of the drive to release the ribbon ZIF, then remove the 24 pin ribbon from the drive logic PCB.

    Install in reverse order making sure to add new tape to secure the ribbon to the drive.

    shadetree - Antwort

    I needed to remove the PSO completely to reach the baseboard drive cable end ZIF. To do that disconnect the power and data (I assume) cables and then pull the unit straight up. To longish prongs are heading straight up into it from the baseboard and it is a bit tight, so gently pull until it's clear.

    cornellg -

    If you are replacing the Blu-ray drive, you must use the same daughterboard that came with your PlayStation 3. The daughterboard is paired to the motherboard, and the Blu-ray drive will not work with a different board. -------------- I understand however my daughterboard is not on the bottom of the blu-ray drive it must be on the inside. Is there any advice out there on how I go about doing this as I am not sure what I am doing???? If someone could post a link or any tips it would be greatly appreciated.

    jimmy - Antwort

    When I received my new drive there was a sheet that said you could keep the old boards but you have to 'flash' them with the ps3's digital information. Currently trying to figure out how.....

    Cheffy -

    My CECHH01 has its blu-ray drive encased in a shield plate. Only one ribbon cable is visible. (The one we have to disconnect). Mine had some tape over it.

    Also, I used a spudger instead of my nails.

    Philippe Morin - Antwort


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16 Kommentare

Most helpful. Thx need to buy parts.and tools needed to fix game game. Were to buy ?

The Unknown Soldier - Antwort

Not sure myself, need one too. Look under comments section under ps3 laser replacement for more info. They are supposed to sell them on this website but I think they are still out.

Brian Parks - Antwort

Can I use any fat PS3 blu-ray drive in a fat PS3 or do I need a certain on????? I have a 80gb fat PS3

tonyhb - Antwort

No, you need a certain one + you have to take off the daughter board from your old drive and put it on the new one.

aangelcg -

Thanks but I need the step by step procedure for the remarry process.

Alex likes pizza - Antwort

Jailbreak it with Rebug. Downgrade it to CFW 3.55. Open Rebug tools and turn one factory service mode. After restart open Rebug tools and select remarry BD. Exit FSM, and upgrade to CFW 4.82 (or 4.84)

aangelcg -

Hey everyone if your wondering where u can buy a cd drive just look up “KEM-400AAA disc drive" and you should find results i spent weeks looking for it i hope no one encounters the same problem i had

blakeknicley - Antwort

Hi, do you know ut there is a difference between the kem410a0a 1 and the kem410aca?

Can't seam to find any 410a0a replacements…

Chilivink -

Where can i buy a ps3 disk drive cechl01 please

sbeliveau88@gmail.com - Antwort

Brought eBay lot and there was two PlayStation3s both opened… one had power supply and disc drive I powered it on the non backwards compatible PS3 only played movies no games the other PS3 is backwards compatible and doesn’t power on I brought a power board and on way but does this mean the disc drive I have in non backwards compatible PS3 is for the backwards compatible PS3?! Just curious please answer if you know anything that could help!

rectangle101 - Antwort

Does this work on a slim PS3 as well?! I have a 120Gb model

David Hannum - Antwort

How do I know which disc drive fits my ps3 slim

gumbyd69 - Antwort

Helpful, just an extra info: there are several ps3 fat models, the my CECHJ is quite different: the ribbon cable end is under the super supply and the bd drive is different.

Roberto - Antwort

Hello, I have a PS3 with a much shorter flex cable than the one in the photo, do you know if that flex is from the KES-400A optics?

Slime Ws Roblox - Antwort

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