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Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 Akku austauschen

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  1. Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 Akku austauschen, Rückabdeckung: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 2 Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 Akku austauschen, Rückabdeckung: Schritt 1, Bild 2 von 2
    • Setze das Kunststoff-Öffnungswerkzeug zwischen die Vorderseite des Displays und den Rand der hinteren Abdeckung des Geräts.

    • Bewege das Öffnungswerkzeug aus Kunststoff nach unten, bis sich zwischen dem Tablett und der hinteren Abdeckung ein Spalt bildet.

    Will a butter knife work?

    Team Diamond (DrDiamond53) - Antwort

    You could try a credit card, avoid metal tools.

    Isaac Pettis -

    The battery is still connected at this stage so, yes, avoid metal tools.

    Once the outer frame was mostly unclipped with the opening tool, I found the ifixit triangle plastic picks useful. As well as clips around the 4 edges there are maybe 4 more clips in the centre of the back cover that are a challenge.

    Make sure the display screen and logic boards and battery all come out in one bundle, just leaving a bare plastic back shell. Others have reported that if you separate the screen from the boards you’ll invariably break a ribbon cable and lose touch sensitivity.

    Michael Morjanoff - Antwort

  2. Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 Akku austauschen: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 1
    • Schiebe das Kunststoff-Öffnungswerkzeug um den Rand des Geräts und heble vorsichtig den Bildschirm und die hintere Abdeckung auseinander.

    • Versuche, gleichmäßig von allen Seiten zu trennen, bis sich der Bildschirm vollständig vom Träger löst.

    • Wenn du die Abdeckung zum ersten Mal entfernst, ist es ziemlich schwierig, sie vom Tablet zu trennen.

  3. Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 Akku austauschen: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die hintere Abdeckung, wenn die gesamte Umrandung gelöst ist.

    I did some diy fixing because my tab-s came having issues. All battery connection related. Easy fix about 10 minutes but now the back cover won't sit flush and there's a large gap…idk what to do now it's infuriating there no broken tabs or connections

    Jason Carlson - Antwort

  4. Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 Akku austauschen, Akku: Schritt 4, Bild 1 von 2 Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 Akku austauschen, Akku: Schritt 4, Bild 2 von 2
    • Der Akku ist normalerweise mit doppelseitigem Klebeband an den Seiten befestigt. Hebe den Akku heraus, indem du an der gefalteten weißen Lasche in der oberen rechten Ecke ziehst. Möglicherweise musst du erst den Kleber lösen, indem du mit einem dünnen und flachen Plastiköffnungswerkzeug unter den Kanten des Akkus entlangfährst.

    • Sei vorsichtig, wenn du den Akku herausnimmst, er ist immer noch mit dem Gerätes verbunden.

    there is adhesive under the battery that requires a fair bit of pressure to make the battery come out. Pulling on the corner of the battery pull tab is more effective than pulling halfway along and it did come out eventually. heating may help but heating a battery is never a good idea heat is going to take quite a while go get through from the screen side as there are many layers to get through before you get to the battery compartment. best bet make sure it is not cold then pull from the corner carefully

    LidsterIT - Antwort

    Any way to remove the battery without lifting the tab?

    Don Lim - Antwort

    Original battery was a very snug fit in its space and the triangle pick tool helped. The replacement battery was 2mm narrower so much easier. The pull tab is strong, and needs to be strong.

    Michael Morjanoff - Antwort

  5. Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 Akku austauschen: Schritt 5, Bild 1 von 2 Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 Akku austauschen: Schritt 5, Bild 2 von 2
    • Hebe vorsichtig den hellgrünen Stecker in der Nähe der linken unteren Ecke des Akkus hoch. Er ist mit roten, grünen und schwarzen Drähten mit dem Akku verbunden.

    • Ziehe nicht an den Kabeln, um den Stecker zu lösen. Wenn sich die Verbindung nicht leicht lösen lässt, schiebe ein Plastikwerkzeug zwischen den weißen Stecker und die Platine, um diesen von der Platine anzuheben.

    Lifting the old connector out was easy, fitting the new one seemed to need very careful alignment.

    Michael Morjanoff - Antwort


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Tara Fussell

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Cal Poly, Team 12-15, Maness Fall 2015 Mitglied von Cal Poly, Team 12-15, Maness Fall 2015


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12 Anleitungen geschrieben

11 Kommentare

Nice and simple instructions...now, can you do one to show replacement of LCD and screen?:) Thanks! Vicki.

Vicki - Antwort

Mine, the T320, the battery was held in place by 4 screws. Otherwise same steps.

The cover was tricky to get off, the plastic bends a bit but it took some careful force.

James Thrun - Antwort

Thanks , Easy to understand and perform. I think the battery connector is loose from mother board. How do I fix that?

SE Simon - Antwort

I'm sure it's a solder job to reattach the connector to the motherboard. From the picture above it looks like a PIH connector but it may be an SMT, hard to tell without physically seeing it close up. At any rate, being this is a newer device, the solder used is lead free (RoHS compliant, the motherboard should have the letters Pb inside a circle with a line through, screen printed on it) so unless you have some experience in soldering with lead free, you'll probably need to do some searching in your area for electronics repair shops (be sure to ask about their experience with lead free soldering). Lead free soldering requires more heat that can cause extensive damage to the substrate if not done properly.

-experience: 22 years electronics manufacturing and repair (3 leading global electronics manufacturers and the U.S. Navy)

stinger704 -

Well written with precise instructions. The pictures included in these instruction for each stage of the process are clear and shoe exactly what needs to be done. What at first seems a bit of a daunting task to an amateur is a relatively easy tasks when equipped with these instructions. Thank you to the author.

David A - Antwort

On my Tab S 8.4 LTE, I had some problems with Step 4 (lifting up the battery) as there was some adhesive holding the battery down and so I was not able to lift it up just by using the folded white paper tab. In the end I managed to pry the battery loose by slowly lifting the edge near the top right corner.

classnsh - Antwort

Same here. It's still stuck.

Fredrik Alvelöv -

Very good instructions. Also I had some problems lifting the battery due to some adhesive holding the battery down. In the first attempt I hadn’t plugged in the connector properly. When charging it said 100% but I couldn’t turn on the tablet. Plugging in the connector has to give an audible little click. Thank you to the author!

Steen E. Lassen - Antwort

Nice job. I’ve been dreading the task and living with a weak battery out of laziness and belief that it would take me hours. Not so.

I can’t remember the name for those little plastic, and essential, tools. “Smudge?” or some word like that?  I’ll ask Alexa, maybe she knows, or ask the guys (yes, and GALS) at Frys.

Roger D - Antwort

is it possible to replace the battery with a modern one that have more capacity? thank you.

Angelo P. - Antwort

I have a similar problem charging a Tab Pro 8.4. I changed the battery as described in this tutorial. Before I was “playing around” with charging the old battery and found that it is charging only when give a slight pressure on a tiny plate next to the battery’s contacts. (The look inside is a bit different than in step4 picture) It looks like a small plastic cover and can be carefully lifted up to 3 mm. When lifted you see two rows of small open contacts. Depending on the pressure on the contacts it seems to work differently - (1)nothing is charging, (2) it charges with about 30…80 mA or (3) full current approx. 1.4 A.

Does anybody know how to get this working all the time in its right order? I’m asking because of the tab was not really charging already before opening it. (The charging icon looks strange then.) Maybe the back cover is not pressing these contacts together properly, what is my assumption so far. I fear that it will not getting better when closing the cover again.

Thanks in advance!

Uwe H.

paph nutius - Antwort

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