Folge dieser Anleitung, um die Pentalobe Schrauben deines iPhone 6 Plus zu ersetzen.
Was du brauchst
Schalte dein iPhone ab, bevor du mit der Demontage beginnst.
Entferne die beiden 3,6 mm P2 Pentalobe Schrauben neben dem Lightning Connector.
Arbeite die Schritte in umgekehrter Reihenfolge ab, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen.
Arbeite die Schritte in umgekehrter Reihenfolge ab, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen.
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Pentalobe P2
Enea Del Lama - Antwort
I prefer to remove the SIM card as the very first step since it's safer to do so while the phone is fully assembled.
estebanfallasf - Antwort
I stripped one of the two screws - at a dead stop.
Margaret Patterson - Antwort
Before you even start: get the iOpener or hairdryer out. You’ll need it
GPZ - Antwort
If a lightning connector won’t provide a charge or needs to be wiggled carefully to provide a charge, power off the device, then try using precision tweezers to scrape the innermost wall of the lightning jack in a pinching motion to check for lint buildup. Pocket lint or other debris can accumulate inside the jack, compacting each time a cable is inserted. This can prevent a lightning cable from seating fully. Clearing the lint may restore functionality without replacing the part.
Andrew Dolan - Antwort
A few hints:
* heating up the phone works great. I used a heating pad that you put in the microwave to heat sports injuries.
* also, I made a sheet to help you keep track of the screws as you remove them. Print out the page, then place double sided tape below each color-coded listing of screws, and stick the screws to the tape as you disassemble. This helps prevent losing the screws and keeps track of what screws are what for easier reassembly. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pLSvKvB...
Paul Faul - Antwort
Additional hints, for anyone who needs them:
* stick the screws to the tape in the same positions as they are shown in the guide. This will make it easier to identify them during reassembly.
* if the screws get mixed together, the ‘mm’ (millimetre, millimeter) measurements given in the guide can be used to identify them. Compare the lengths of the threaded shafts to each other to determine which screw is which.
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