Rüste deinen Speicher durch eine neue Festplatte auf.
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Bevor du deinen iPod öffnest, kontrolliere, ob dein iPod sich im gesperrten Zustand befindet. Oben am iPod sollte der orangene Streifen sichtbar sein.
Führe Plektrum so weit wie möglich in die Lücke zwischen der Plastikvorderseite und der metallenen Rückseite, an der rechten Seite des iPods.
Heble mit dem Plektrum seitlich gegen die Plastikvorderseite, um die fünf Haltelaschen aus ihrer Verankerung zu drücken (siehe drittes Foto).
Schiebe das Plektrum seitlich an der Kante des iPods entlang, um die restlichen Haltelaschen zu lösen.
Wenn alle fünf Laschen auf der rechten Seite frei sind, sollte sich das Gehäuse leicht öffnen lassen.
Is that wide opening pick shown in the photo available? Or should I be able to get my iPod 3G open with just the narrow opening tool? So far I’ve been unsuccessful.
Hi David, an opening tool can definitely work, but we’ve found that the opening picks tend to be a bit easier. You can find those in our store. The clips are definitely really tough and, like Matthew mentioned, using multiple picks might help. Getting the pick in the seam is the hardest part, then once it’s in you should be able to work it in farther, or add another pick to eventually release the clips.
I had to use about 10 guitar picks. The case “clips” are amazingly tight. I’d get one in just barely, then I’d add another in the now-opened slot. Then another. I’d space them about 1 or 1.5cm apart on two sides. Work into a corner and it will release. (I’m going on memory. I bought packs of the cheapest guitar picks. I have both thin and medium. I think I used medium, but I can’t remember.)
so much easier to open with an xacto blade and handle. the blade has a more defined edge that helps to move the plastic front cover. then a pick can help do the rest.only took 2 mins. using xacto blade and handle
also not mentioned is reattachment of hard drive plug to board . not a normal plug as the others.need to be sure it is attached before closing up ipod. replacement battery was thicker than origional and allowed hd to not sit level
After trying fruitlessly with a variety of plastic tools, I remembered I owned an iSesamo. Got in in 20 seconds.
I second the idea of using an Exacto handle with a flat chisel blade to start the opening on the right side. Then I could insert the pick and work it around to undo all the clips. I could get a lot more purchase on the edge and make a gap for the pick. It took some pressure as it’s been 20 years since this unit was built, an iPod Special U2 black edition.
As others noted, it’s darn near impossible to get a pick into the seam to get started opening the case. I finally got mine by pressing up on the back of the case, which causes the side of the back piece to angle out a bit and allowed me to get the pick that came with the replacement battery in. Once I finally got that far, it was fairly easy to slide the pick up and down the side of the case to pop free each of the clips. I scubbed up the edge of mine a bit before I figured this out, and those efforts didn’t help, so maybe avoid that. (I didn’t have an Exacto like others have suggested, but having done this, I can see how that might work well also, if you are careful about it)
As you described: Pressing on the back case, squeezing it together with the top case was key for me! It allowed me to easily get the first pick in - without the risk of scratching the case or stabbing oneself. 🙈
Nito -
This tool worked great! iFixit Opening Tool
I could push the plastic top part back enough to get the pick in.
Two guitar picks did the trick – as soon as the edge of the first pick goes into the gap, twist it more upright; the next pick can then be slid into the opening and the rest of the case opens up easily. One warning: be very careful near the charging port – there’s a delicate plastic trim around the opening in the metal case and I accidentally cut through the trim with the edge of a pick. The trim is attached to the case with two screws so I removed it before repairing it with superglue. This worked well and the trim screwed back in very easily.
Turn the iPod upside down and squeeze (push the white plastic in while squeezing). You will hear a click, creating a gap to insert the pick. You're welcome. :)
Öffne das Gehäuse wie ein Buch mit dem Dock-Verbinder oben und lege die Rückseite neben die vordere Hälfte des iPods.
Remember to fold the backplate up the correct direction, otherwise you might break this cable.
Nutze ein Plastikwerkzeug oder deine Fingernägel, um vorsichtig das orangene Kopfhöreranschlusskabel abzulösen. Achte darauf, nur am Stecker zu ziehen und auf keinen Fall am Kabel selbst.
Be more than careful with the headphone jack, because I thought I was until I broke mine (I still don't figure how I did this). Those are hard to find after and if you do, it may cost you something around 20-30$
Yeah, I just did the same. Oops.
just did the same, and no part available in the UK. Looks too small to solder :(
Yikes - yes, be SUPER careful - just damaged mine too (snapped some of the soldered connections between ribbon and plug). I only use my iPod with a dock in my car, so hoping I will get away with this.
Arrgh...I should have paid closer attention the red warnings above. I ended up pushing up on the ribbon part rather than the actual socket. Thereby completing separating the connector from the ribbon cable. I got way too excited when I finally got the case loose after an hour of trying that I rushed through this part. Now I have to see if I can replace this part.
Blech - despite these thoughtful warnings I snapped that plug right off the ribbon! So please, be careful. I found a replacement headphone jack (used) on eBay for 20 bucks. What a not-fun way to spend 20 bucks!
Yep - did the same. Bugger. Is it possible to carefully fix? Solder or glue or are there replacement parts? I do actually have another iPod but I was hoping to end up with two working versions rather than one just for parts.
Well, that reminds me to view the comments first before attempting any of the repair steps. Did the same thing. iFixit should put that suggestion at the top of every repair guide. “Review Comments First, Save $20”.
Yep, that’s me buggered too.
Same thing happened to me. I was extra careful. Now what?
This step appears to be optional for a battery replacement - or, at least, I could not persuade the connector off the logic board without applying more force than I was prepared to given all these warnings. So I just carried on, and replaced the battery without ever removing the headphone jack connector.
You are correct, this step is not necessary for a battery replacement although it may give you more room to work with. In my opinion it’s not worth the risk of damaging the connector though, as you can just place the metal cover to the side like Rob said, leaving the connector attached and carefully folding the metal cover to the side like opening a book (although it may not lay perfectly parallel to the front case of the iPod).
Bagel -
I REALLY wish I had read this comment first, now it's broken, my bad :/
Yep, the step should be place the metal back cover to the side without removing the connector, because you’re certain to break it, especially if this is the third time you’ve replaced the battery and you forgot to be careful the third time.
100% this should be changed, look at how many people have had this problem
Hebe die Festplatte mit einer Hand an und trenne das Festplattenkabel vorsichtig von der Hauptplatine.
Hebe die Festplatte aus dem iPod.
Ziehe das Metallband ab, welches das Festplattenkabel mit der blauen Befestigungsklammer verbindet.
Also, when reassembling ensure the metallic tab/tape connecting the hard drive ribbon to the blue mounting bracket. As seen in step 9 is still on top of the mounting bracket.
When I reassembled mine the tab became folded down and was touching pins connecting the drive. As a result the iPod worked as a player but had difficulty charging, would not connect to iTunes or show as a mounted drive. After waiting along time it would be detected but would not work with iTunes. iTunes would report the iPod as corrupted or in recovery mode. Removing the tab/tape from the pins restored function.
Verwende einen Spudger, um das orangene Flachbandkabel vorsichtig von der Festplatte abzutrennen.
Hebe die blau-weiße Befestigungsklammer von der anderen Seite der Festplatte ab
Die Festplatte bleibt übrig.
Would a Compact Flash card work directly plugged in to the ribbon cable? Like in the iPod mini?
The pins are the same, correct.
After I got the hard drive out (great tutorial btw, thanks!) I tried connecting to the charge cable - still no go, I could feel the HDD trying to work though. So I unhooked it from the ribbon cable and threw it on the (carpeted) floor - and now it works! Whoo-hoo, try it, you might save yourself some $$ and time.
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Note that the lock will move out of position again easily once you have the case open (when disengaged from the internal switch). That being said, you will want to keep this little switch in mind even beyond making sure the lock is in the right place, as the little plastic tab that is the switch is extremely small and fragile. I ended up breaking mine off somehow while trying to get the case closed. It is small enough that I never felt it break; I finally got the iPod back together and found that the lock switch didn’t work. I was able to re-open it and use a pick tool to unlock what was left of the switch, so my iPod works, but no longer locks. I’m happy to have a working battery anyhow, but I’d have been happier yet to have completed the repair without breaking anything - be careful with this little switch.
Joe Sutton - Antwort
Good advice! Thanks! 👍👌👏👏
Nito - Antwort