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iPod touch is disabled

My iPod touch is disabled it dosent do anything not even lets me connect to itunes

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i'm having the same problem i got it from a friend at hi moving sale but i cant do anything its stupid any tips plz?


itunes came up when I tried to restart it


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3 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

The easiest way to deal with this is to restore it in recovery mode. This will erase your data, but this is the quickest way to get the iPod working again.

To erase and restore the iPod, follow this guide. It will explain the process.

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Sadly this doesn't work for the one I have, not sure if it was purchasing Sengin China specifically but it just boots to windows and gives me a error stating it's locked with a pass code from iTunes.


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Does it turn on? Will it charge? Does your PC or Mac recognize it?

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Mine dosent connect it to my chromebook


Chromebooks are always very picky when it comes to running non-google software, maybe try it on a laptop or pc. Feel sorry for u, because sadly ive also made the mistake of purchasing a acer chromebook. And it was complete trash because Chrome OS is the worst operating system ever released XD


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Put it in DFU mode, then connect it your computer will say "An iPod has been detected in restore mode, you will need to restore it before it can be used.

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