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The HP Pavilion dv9000 series was introduced in 2006.

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Overheated Motherboard by reflowing videochip

I tried to re-flow the video-chip on the motherboard but i overdid it.

Now can i buy a new Mobo but the product number is different.

my mobo 461069-001

the one for sale 441534-001

Can i replace it with this?

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Hi Eogon,

Not sure if you resolved your question or not, so I thought I would offer some input.

The easiest method of determining which motherboard you can use is as follows...

On the bottom of the computer or under the battery, you will find the product number. It should look very similar to "GJ156PA#ABA". Also take note of the serial number.

Take those numbers and go to the following web page... http://h20141.www2.hp.com/Hpparts/

Enter the product number into the corresponding field and press the enter key on your keyboard. If the system says that no match can be found, then try the serial number in the serial number field.

On the next page, you will have a couple drop downs. Look for the one(s) that say "PC Board" or "Main Board" and choose the appropriate one. The resulting page will give you the part number and if HP stocks it or if you'll need to contact a reseller.

Hope that helps

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The 461069-001 is for a intel cpu and the 441534-001 is for amd.

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Thank you for this information.

Where can i find the information over what motherboard i can use?


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