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Power button not working after screen repair


After replacing the front screen of my ipad mini, the power button stopped working. if i press long i can turn it off, it also works when i put it off, to turn on. but not to lock the screen. any help will be appreciated..




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i took off my digitizer then i left the lcd on my ipad when i pushed the power botton nonthing happened when i hold it then it wants to shut off but it wont work when i click it... does anybody know whats wrong


try to disconnect battery for some time. it will real shut down of device. and usually help in strange cases if nothing had damaged during repair.


Disconnecting the battery didn't work for me, but I'm thinking it could be a software issue because the button works (to turn the device on and off, but it doesn't work to click the screen on and off).


I have the exact same issue. It works to power off, or soft reset, but not to "sleep"/lock iPad. Did you come up with a solution? Already tried reconnection of power btn flex, iTunes restore, even another touchscreen because it was working fine before screen repair.



Cover the home button flex with Kapton tape or electrical tape. The sleep/wake function is on the home button flex.

Test the screen and the lock function with the screen held away from the frame (but connected) and see if it works. If it does work with the screen off the frame cover with tape if it doesn't work it's a bad solder on the home button flex and would need another touchscreen or resoldered.

Lots of good advice the whole way through this thread.


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You missed the easiest and most common solution to this, most of what has been said above is not correct. when you change the screen odds are you will have removed the little magnets, if your power button only works when long pressed then this is why, simple fix, go into settings and the lock/unlock and turn if off. FIXED

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This worked for me , I forgot to put magnets back in after screen replacement as it's just for personal use I won't bother putting them back In! Thank you!


Turn what off? Feel stupid for asking


Worked for me, you're a lifesaver...thanks


thanx bro :)


I was on the same problem that the power button not responding to the short press to enter sleep mode/ wake. It will work only for "the slide to power off" option. But I noticed that after specific time it is going to sleep mode. So I realised it is definitely a setting.

I have done all the things saying to do in the hardware side like covering with tapes, new flex cable, etc, etc

None worked for me

THIS IS JUST THE SETTING OF YOUR IPAD. ( mine is the ipad mini4)


-> GENERAL scroll down to


flip that bullet to make sure it is off. Now try..

The power button will work as normal. it is nothing wrong with the new screen or digitizer you replaced.

if the home screen is not showing up at all even through home button and power button then it is definitely the small sleep wake sensor. you may forget to transfer it to your new digitizer. check it

Now the software update is making me crazy that unable to verify update.


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it is a bad solder joint on the home flex.

the home flex is also the lock sensors for the smart cover.

if it does not have a complete connection then the lock function of the on/off button will not work

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Hey Ziggy or anybody I think I have the same problem

Before I tried to fix my iPad screen cover and there are two cords: the one that connects to theLCD and the Homeflex accidentally ripped out the Homeflex

I wanted to know if that has to do that my iPads off button doesn't work


And if any of you guys can please explain how to fix it in the simplest form possible (trust me I am not a expert at these things)


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this is why, no tape on aftermarket digitisers, switch over from old to new digitiser (see picture)

Block Image

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could you please explain more why and what i need to to to fix this problem! My email is linhnguyen2871990@gmail.com! Please help me and let me know what i need to do via my email! Thanks so much :(


OMG. Thanks alot. I was having the same problem on my ipad air after digitizer replacement. It worked and i am really thankful to you


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Switch the tape across as pictured above. It 100% worked for me. Put the old and new digitiser side by side and you will see the difference. I believe the metal frame makes a contact with the home button flex causing it to think it's always pressed.

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I had the same issue and resolved it by re-touching my solder work on the home button flex ribbon - (the smaller set of joints that attach to the glass)

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iPad Mini Checklist,

POWER OFF that device

No metal tools

Remove the long pads on the bottom of the LCD

Move tape from old screen to new screen (near the home button flex, or use a non conductive tape to cover all the exposed circuits)

If its pre-assembled and the power button is not working, its either a bad solder or bad IC Chip (you can try retouching the solder, but if its under warranty I wouldn't mess with it unless its a last resort)

Mini's give me a different problem everytime.

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Does anyone on here actually speak English ? This is the worst grammar and spelling I've ever seen. I'm glad you all can follow it but for the average person this thread is useless.

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I'm have the same exact issue too. Did you find the a fix for this?

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I turned off lock/unlock option in settings


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not sure if this will help anyone, but i had same issue. tried restore - nothing, so i powered ipad off, and let it lie on the table for 2 days. After powering on, the ipad powerbutton was working again. No idea what is causing this behavior.

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I have a question for you, did you buy the full assembly screen or did you buy one bare and solder?

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same issue any answer yet?

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missing shield plate... check youtube

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Guys, definetely, you cut the power - audio vol flex. No dub about it. You must replace the flex.



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i tried a new flex same issue not power flex think it might be the home button that people are saying


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there seems to be alot of info on ipad replacement screens needing to have the battery disconnected for a few minutes and/or do a full reset of the ipad afterward and the back light will kick back on.

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after you replace the screen if back-light is out either disconnect the battery or do a hard reset by holding the home and power button


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Digimac, is there anyway to fix the audio vol flex?

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I bough the full assembly screen mini ipad, affter replaced, power not working

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James, who responded on December 31st, and Jan 11th, is the winner on this one.

We have this issue with about 10% of the iPad Mini's that me through our shop. The regular fix is that the tape transfer, as described above, is a little off centre or has begun to curl from the removal and reapplication. The solution for our shop, we've done at least 50 of these in the last few months, was purchasing a role of carbon cloth take 4 mm wide.

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Hh, if that problem becourse of bad cover of small ics on home button flex, why "power buttton" not work wiht whole digitizer screen removed?

It was working fine for during all rework and before final test and assamble - stoped work (

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Had resolder "home button" and made isolation like on picture James posted. Lock function of "power button" had returned!


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I replaced ipad mini screen did everything above threads suggested and power button still wont turn off ipad. It will if i hard reset. It will allow me to screen shot etc just not light press and screen goes off. Made sure all contacts are covered as shown. Etc. This is the scond screen and still nothing. SOS

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A piece of electrical tape worked perfectly for me..

Power button would only work if you click and hold it..

Worked perfect after the electrical tape so it didn't make contact with the frame

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the problem is not the power button. it's the home button that causing it. it need to be resoldered or easier buy it already soldered to the digitizer. once you change it it will be as it was before.

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i found the problem in digitizer i replaced and problem solve

imran saleem malik

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hello from what i am here i dont think that is why because where the digi connect to on the board if you look inside where the flex go if the prongs there are miss or moved it will cause this issue where you can turn off the device fully but to turn off devices on standby will not work. look at the prong where digi go in and that your problem.

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Thank you guys so much

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Ok sorry I found the solution do check what iso because the main issue for me was the ipad was software was on 9.01 and I also had the same issue with an 9.02 one I update both devices to 9.1 the power button continue to work. But please do check the volume button after that as well cause it may work or it may not work when the volume down is pressed.

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Problem with digitizer try to cover home key flex with packing tape there are some components touching with housing I hope your problem will be solve


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Pawer button on den display light off pras pawer button not on light plz help me

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My screen switch button is not working. I have never replaced the screen. Help!

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I was on the same problem that the power button not responding to the short press to enter sleep mode/ wake. It will work only for "the slide to power off" option. But I noticed that after specific time it is going to sleep mode. So I realised it is definitely a setting.

I have done all the things saying to do in the hardware side like covering with tapes, new flex cable, etc, etc

None worked for me

THIS IS JUST THE SETTING OF YOUR IPAD. ( mine is the ipad mini4)


-> GENERAL scroll down to


flip that bullet to make sure it is off. Now try..

The power button will work as normal. it is nothing wrong with the new screen or digitizer you replaced.

if the home screen is not showing up at all even through home button and power button then it is definitely the small sleep wake sensor. you may forget to transfer it to your new digitizer. check it

Now the software update is making me crazy that unable to verify update.

if you have any suggestions please share it


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i get this frequently.

the "Lock screen with button" setting is inverted. Just change the setting for locking the screen, and it should work. maybe one in ten of my minis get this

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when replacing the screen if your not careful when taking off the old screen its very easy to rip the ribbon cable connecting the motherboard to the power an volume buttons. This means if you plug you iPad in to the wall and give it a couple of minutes it should turn on.iPad Air and iPad mini Volume and Power Button Cable

Fix an unresponsive power or audio button by replacing the internal switches with this cable assembly. Bild


iPad Air and iPad mini Volume and Power Button Cable


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