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Released online on January 16, 2009, the Inspiron 1545 is a 15.6" budget PC laptop available with 3 or 4 GB of RAM. It succeeded the Inspiron 1525.

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Why is my laptop not turing on?

Whenever I press the power button my laptop does not respond with the screen lighting up or turning on.

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Your computer could not be turning on because of a few different reasons including a dead battery. You should plug in your computer's power adapter and check the LEDs to see if it is charging. You could also have a damaged power adapter so check to see if it works. If the battery has been charged and the computer will still not turn on, then battery may need to be replaced. Replacement batteries can found online. You could also have a faulty display that does not turn on, in this case you will need to replace your display. Please refer to the following link for more help. Dell Inspiron 1545 Troubleshooting

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