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A Wi-Fi and NFC capable CMOS camera first released in March 2013. Identified by model number EV-NX300ZBQUUS.

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The camera screen is black when on capture mode.

Camera screen remains black when I try to shoot stills or record video, but the the menus are still visible on the frame. Playback is still functional, so I don't think it is a faulty screen. What can I do?

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My Samsung nx300 screen is black you can here it click on and sometimes the green lights flash when i push the shutter button but no image just a black screen


Fix samsung nx300 shutter stuck


My Samsung nx300 screen is black you can here it click on and sometimes the green lights flash, and take image normally ,but the screen just a black .


My camra not normali mode


i had it sent to samsung for it to be fixed. it cost me $200.


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7 Antworten

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First, try restarting the camera to reset the software. If that doesn't work, try flicking the lens piece; the shutter may be stuck and is closed off completely. You can also try refitting the lens piece onto the camera; it might not be properly aligned.

If these quick fixes don't resolve your problem, visit our troubleshooting page on iFixit.com for more solutions:

Samsung NX300 Troubleshooting

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My camera had the same symptoms, and the problem was the stuck shutter. If you take off the lens and see the closed shutter then it's likely a stuck shutter problem like mine. My camera is working now and I see the sensor when the lens is off. I don't have a fix to recommend because the shutter retracted by itself when I accidentally dropped the camera on the floor while trying to take it apart. Perhaps someone has posted a proper way to fix a stuck shutter. Good luck. :)

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It's not the lens stuck because I used NX 300 with manual lenses and I have the same problem. I restart the camera, restart the firmware and it does't work. I mean, all is working but I cant see anything and I can't push the button to try to do a picture.


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Did you ever solve this? This is happening to me


No, it seems is the motherboard, but it not work without reason. I but another identical camera body. I try the Sony Nex 5t (little screen, more difficult menus, less picture quality) and the Fuji X-M1 (no liveview mode, impossible to focus with manual lenses, impossibles menus) The Samsung menus are the best, easy to use and very high quality. Unfortunately Samsung prefer to earn money selling telephones... On the other hand you can buy a body for 140€, a body + kit lens for 200€ . I use only manual lenses so... I have great 50mm, 28mm, 35mm 135mm of Yashica (Zeiss Plannar), Helios, Hexanon, Zuiko for some euros... One AF lens cost more than 500€ or even 1000€... it's crazy... and my photos are similar to Sony A7 or A6300 pictures...

Good Luck


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Had same problem. First it showed Error01 and after that just showed black screen when taking pictures but everything normal when displaying pictures I have made before, setting menu etc.

The I have done a full reset of the camera. Same issue.

Then I have removed the lense (haven't done this for 3 years) and voila - there it was - the closed shutter. So I have taken my iPad Pencil and have manually pushed the shutter's guides a little bet and it has clapped back to normal position. Problem solved and stays solved.

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Can you tell me where the shutter guide is. I have the same issue.


Did you ever find the shutter guide? We have the same issue


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My camera had the same problem, tryed by replacing the battery, reinstalling the firmware.

At the end I found this a comment reporting that the issue has resolved with a slap on the camera side.


I tried and after few slaps it worked.

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I had the screen flashing black for months, every time the camera was focusing.

I was still able to take photos in manual mode.

I then dropped my camera accidentally and it was permanently black.

I removed the lens, touched the mirror behind it, it moved a bit and now it works perfectly.

I’m quite perplexed.

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I had this problem, in my case the shutter was completely open thus not stuck closed neither stuck open.

I removed cleaned and reconnected the two CMOS sensor ribbons (I guess one is the power and one data ?). There are two white lines on the PCB in a way that when the cable is correctly plugged in you only see one...

After that the camera started to work normally.

I can not be sure but my opinion is the cable got loose by impact\moving ecc. I used some tape to fix it a bit more.

I hope it helps...

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