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Xbox One Kinect. Included with the Xbox One. It has successfully sold over 23 million units around the world.

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How to best re-atach the cable?

I did remove the cable on my Kinect by pulling it out using some force.

Now I want to plug it in again. Has anyone any tips on how to do that properly?

Pictures on the rotation of the cable, the process and a few tricks would be very much apreciated.

I could also use a picture of how the port is supposed to look when it is not damaged to compare it to.

This might be helpful to people in the exact situation as I am- be it because of curiousity or because the cable needs to be swapped out.

Update: Just to clarify: Nothing is definitely broken- just need help figuring out how to plug the cable in again without killing the port.

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goldsteal, it will help if you attach images of your damage and your cable. Use this guide Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen for that


Simply plugging in the cable is not possible due to the rubber preventing it. Do I need to open the Kinect? Is there a trick?


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i had this issue and i solved it at the cost of the rubber inside the kinect port at the back of the kinect

i used a flat screw driver to push the rubber which you can see it surrounding the port to the outer side. then, i took it out. after that, i plugged the cable and it was easier without rubber and i managed to successfully connect it by doing this only.

don't worry, you can put the rubber back if you wanted in the future.

i hope this would help

Thanks and Regards

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Alternatively, you could cut off the wings on the plug, all 4 wings. The cable can be plugged in directly just like a usb 3.0 type b cable, once you have done so. It won't be as snug or as secure as before, but it's not likely that anyone is ever going to pull on it anyway .

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