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Released in January of 2013 the Canon Powershot, model number A2500, is a 16 Megapixel digital camera. This camera can be used to take images or low quality videos.

8 Fragen Alle anzeigen

How do I delete all images on an SD?

I want to wipe the SD, but I don't have a connector to plug the SD on a computer. I prefer not to have to delete the images one-by-one on the camera. Is there a way to delete all data on an SD? If so, please help.

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Hi Victoria,

In order to wipe your SD from this model camera you must turn on the camera with the SD Card correctly inserted and then press the menu button. Then scroll to the right so that the wrench and the hammer tab is now highlighted. Now scroll down to "Format..." and select it. The menu will now prompt you to format the memory card, press OK twice and your memory card will be wiped.

For any further issues visit our Canon PowerShot A2500 TroubleShooting guide. Where there are guides for several other common problems.

Hope this helps,


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what does scroll to the right mean? What or where am I supposed to scroll?


James, Thanks so much for explaining how to erase images from camera. It worked perfectly for me on my first attempt. SUPER EASY! (Once you know how) lol


How do you press the "OK" button?


How do I take a picture without using the flash please?


What do I need to do if the "format" section is not highlighted like the other selections and does not respond to clicking on it? Victoria


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