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iPad Mini mit 7,9 Zoll Display und 16, 32 oder 64 GB Speicherkapazität.

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Why does my ipad have a stripe down the screen?

I accidentally hit the charging cable of my iPad when trying to take a screen shot.The screen suddenly had a black and green stripe down the middle! I don't want to have to replace the screen so is there a way to fix it? Please help!

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James MacLean, consider posting an image of your screen with your question. Use this guide for that. From your description of the event and what the result is, it does sound like you have a broken LCD. Not much you can do but to replace it.

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ANSWER : ipad2 appear green screen phenomenon , there are two common reasons :

1.A display problem , display an internal short circuit . if it is, you must replace a lcd display. If you get to repair electrical repair , you can buy a phone bill of the new iPad . You can own the Internet to buy a lcd, you only need to spend hundreds of dollars on it. i can recommend an online shop, DBXStore. it's very good, i have been bought one once.

2.the connector is loose .

According to the , shot several times to return to normal , more likely to judge the connector is loose . General non-Apple aftermarket shop , they usually say screen is broken , needs repair $79.62 , you can insist that they re-plug the interface cable screen , if the problem is solved , just pay $15.92 fee to disassemble .

hope can help you.

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Thats 99% LCD flat cable problem. Needs replugging (more often) or replacement.

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