Can I fix my speaker using one from a 2009/10 MBP?

The subwoofer and speaker are sizzling, but in my country (Brazil) is hard to find parts for my model specifically, so, I wonder if I can fix by replacing the same parts from the ones of a MacBook Pro instead of mine one?

Thanks (and apologize for possible mistakes in my English)

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Let's look at specifics. Please give us the last four figures of your serial number and the same from the machine you want to use the speakers from.


Hi! The last four characters of my serial number are 91AX, and I'm searching the replacement in a website like eBay, but Brazilian. The Part Number of speaker is 604-2713-A, and the Secondary Part Number is 609-0310-C. The model of MBP is exactly the same of mine one (A1278).

Thank u so much!


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