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Repair information for the Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+. Released in July of 2014. Model: B+.

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Red and green light...

my raspberry pi 2 first worked for a couple of days, but one day when i plug in the power the green light just stayed on, it was overheating rapidly, also making a squeaky noise and was not booting. After a couple of days i left it and this time when i tried booting both the red and green light would come on and would not boot to my os.

can some one please tell me what to do?????

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Hi, I've had this problem as well. Just try to reflash the SD card on your pi, by downloading the image off the official website!

That solved the problem for me! I hope it does for you too! Lorenzo

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I finally got my Pi3 to run by re-imaging the SD card. However, now it only illuminates the green light and not the red. What's up with that?


no sufficiant power red light puts off itself even though rpi boots


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Overheating and the squeaky noise will have likely tripped the fuse on your PI. This fuse apparently is slow to reset, so giving it plenty of time was the proper thing to do.

If your red light was flashing at all, that indicates a likely issue with the power supply. Double check that your power supply supplies 5 volts and at least 800 milliamps. If it still causes problems, replace it.

If your green light comes on but the PI still doesn't boot, then your SD card is somehow readable by the pi without anything for it to do. This is a fairly strange situation, but simply reformatting the card and reinstalling NOOBS should rectify the situation.

If you weren't doing anything intensive on the pi that might have caused the overheating, I suspect your power supply is faulty, and could damage your pi. If you were doing something that might have overheated the pi, get heatsinks, a vented case, or even fans to help cool it down. If you already are cooling your pi, then lighten up on the workload you're giving it! Its a tiny machine, and no one likes burnt pi(e)

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you might have not added a partiton to your sd card and for ez setup you put "noobs" on it. than it asked me to create a artiton i did that reuploaded "noobs" to it and it booted. i first used the win 10 and i got the same things but i had a case witha small fan that attached to GPIO and cooled it i found it on amazon its on prime

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Waiting a few days was a good thing to do because the fuse was tripped and had to reset. Try reinstalling NOOBS or whatever OS you're using and see if that works. If the problem persists, just change the sd card and reinstall, or change the power supply. Good Luck!

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Link For image

See this image and tell me what is that marked in red colour

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That's the polyfuse. Disconnect power, and you should read close to 0 ohms across it. With power applied, you should read around +5v from either end to ground. reading an open during the ohm test tells you it needs time to reset. Same thing with reading +5 from only one side. Fuse check passes if you get close to 0 ohms and read +5 on both sides when powered up.

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