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The Canon PowerShot is a 5.0 megapixel camera with 4x opitical zoom.

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Camera will not work

When I turn the power on I get a reading on the screen that says "memory card error" and will not take a picture. Have tried a new SD card. Nothing helps.;

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**Answering for completion**

This often happens due to the use of an SDHC/XC card - these are not supported due to the SD card controller in these cameras just being too old. The camera isn’t broken, and this error is very much expected.

You need a non-HC card, which are difficult to find now since HC/XC cards work in just about everything today. That said, the non XC capable devices are still easy to get cards for since HC is still very much a current spec. You can usually find these cards on sites like eBay used (be warned a lot of these cards have a ton of write cycles and will not last very long before showing signs of failure!), NOS or a new Chinese made card (more failure prone then a good name brand, but your best bet for cameras like this). Anything larger then 2GB is usually HC today due to volume cost making 4GB SD non-HC cards obsolete. Newegg has one, but there are no more “name brand” 4GB cards of the non-HC spec.

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