Owner's of similar model Maytag and Kenmore Refrigerators have reported the exact same issue!
There are 3x LED Lights or "Modules" located in these side-by-side style refrigerators
> 2 in the Fridge side and 1 in the Freezer
The problem (defective) LED light module is on the fridge side, located at the top. This LED module is designed with a built in dimmer! That single dimmer controls all 3 lights in your fridge. As the dimmer begins to fail, that causes the flashing, strobing, studio 54 in your kitchen effect.
Some owners have had "short-term" success by detaching the LED module, unplugging the 2 wires, and plugging it back in. This is a short-term solution, but worth the try first round!
Makes sure to order the latest model LED module if you replace it! Some sights are selling the original part for less...enjoy that headache in another 2 years, no thank you!
Crying shame they designed the original part w/ a dimmer, know it's an issue but don't own up to it w/ their customers, and then charge $188+ for replacement part (small strip of LED lights... w/ a dimmer)
See link in previous answer for the exact replacement LED module
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160 Kommentare
Same thing happening to my, Model # WRS322FNAM00, side-by-side Whirlpool Refrigerator.
2 LED lights on the Fridge Side, and 1 LED light on the freezer side.
At night I am blinded if I don't turn on the kitchen lights.
Any help out there for this?
von raferrara70
We have had this same issue, we've changed out the module and the light switch and the lights are still blinking
von Arlette
Should we talk about a class action law suit?
von brolandsr
I am having the same issue it stop after opening and closing the doors but after two days thesame issue. Since more than a week no change.
von Bernard
I am having the same issue. since all the modules act the same way I believe that it is an issue with the controller.
von Avi Sasson
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