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The ASUS Transformer TF101 tablet was released in April 2011 and discontinued shortly thereafter. The tablet features a 10.1 inch screen, two USB ports and two audio ports.

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My transformer pad will not switch on

i have sent it away to a data recovery company who has told me that it is the actual part that switches it on and off and they want over £400 to repair it so that i can get my photo`s off the device. I don`t have that sort of money but need my photo`s as they can no longer be replaced as the little man on them passed away on 29th dec 15. Can anybody please help????

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Have you tried connecting to a PC using a data cable?

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Hi, yes ive tried everything i can find online, but no luck. I`,m not at all bothered about the pad, but just desperatley need my data. The blummin thing can go straight in the bin once ive got the data from it.


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I am sorry for my translation but i am dutch.


In your "volume buttonboard" is a flat cabel, most of the time this cabel is not corectly conected.

You can find the discription hou to do it on ifixit.com unter "asus transformer tf 101 sucses.

Ed from zaandam Holland.

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