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16:9 LCD monitor with a 1600x900 resolution display.

5 Fragen Alle anzeigen

I can barely see the screen

I can barely see the screen and adjusting it makes no difference

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1 Antwort

Gewählte Lösung

shawn sounds like your backlight has failed. Most common cause for that are bad capacitors. Your monitor does not have a separate inverter but it is part of the power board. Start by disassembling the monitor and take a look at the boards and the caps. Check for bulging or leaking caps. Post some good images of your boards with your original question. For that use this guide. Since I only have the assembly instructions, substitute the assemble with disassemble

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I went ahead and tore it apart right after posting the question and not one of the caps had much for capacitance,they was toast.


Did you replace those?


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shawn wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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