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The HP Compaq Presario V3000 notebook PC was first released in June 2006. The specific laptop model on this device page is the V3029AU.

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My laptop will not get past POST. What is wrong?

After pressing the power ON button, the laptop turns on but stops before reaching Windows.

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Hey Ricky,

Two of the most common problems that would cause a laptop with power not to POST are memory and hard drive failure. Power the laptop off and wait 3 to 5 seconds before attempting to boot again. If the device fails to POST again, it may be a case of a corrupted or faulty Hard drive. If the issue is related to memory failure, beep codes will be generated and can be referenced to determine the section of memory that has failed. This is a link to our troubleshooting page which also may help you solve your problem. Good Luck!

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