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Need help with these Connector latches


I opened my laptop to switch out the keyboard and while doing so disconnected some of the cables. I thought these were ZIF connectors since I couldn't find any latch to pry open, so I just pulled them out. While doing so, the white plastic latches pictured below came off. Can someone help me and tell me how to put them back in ?

Here are the details in the attached images -

system board.jpg - the connectors where the cables need to go

cables-front.jpg and cables-back.jpg - front and back pics of the cables

latches.jpg - the plastic latches that came off when I tugged at them.

Sorry for the super noob question.

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

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You had it right the first time: those are ZIF connectors. The white part that fell out is the latch you're meant to flip up in order to release the cable.

Here's a video of a tech working on a Spectre XT. At around 2:18 you can see the ribbon cables getting correctly detached.

At this point, I'd leave the cable out and try to carefully reinsert the latch. Watch out that you don't damage the socket itself, or you'll be in for a much more complicated/expensive repair. With the latch back in place, you can slide the cable in and close it up.

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Thanks Jeff, the video was helpful. And 2:18 tells me exactly how it needs to look when pushed in. Thanks for taking the time to find it!!



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