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Kam im Juni 2012 auf den Markt / Intel Quad-Core i7 Prozessor mit Turbo Boost / bis zu 1GB DDR 5 Video RAM

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MacBook not recognizing battery, not even in coconutbattery

So here is the problem:

I wanted to upgrade a Macbook Pro 15 Mid 2012 from 4 GB of RAM to 8 GB and switch the HDD for an SSD.

I followed the regular procedure:

  • Turned off the macbook
  • Opened the case
  • Disconnected the battery
  • Made the RAM and SSD replacement
  • Reconnected the battery
  • Case back on

After doing so, I installed macOS Sierra and noticed that the battery icon was gone. I tried disconecting the power cord and the laptop shut down.

I looked over the internet, tried the SMC reset, the P-RAM reset, tried disconecting the battery and reconecting, all that to no success.

The laptop was bought in 2013, the battery has 3 years of intense usage, I don't know the cycles or life as the laptop wasn't mine.

In coconutBattery, the battery doesn't show up.

Is this a case of a dead battery only?

Could it be the RAM or SSD causing trouble?

I get the battery icon with an X only on login screen, after loging in i don't even get the battery icon.

Should I get a new battery to test it out?

I mean, the laptop works great with the power cord conected, nothing fails...

Can you help figure out whats wrong?

Atualizar (10-12-2016)


I have not been able to get a new battery to test it, but I tried resetting the SMC several times (The light in the charger does not change...);

I did the P RAM reset several times too;

Using a multimeter, is there a way I can check if the pins of the battery connector are receiving power?

I mean, I have been reading a lot about SMC getting fried and I'm praying that's not the scenario here...

I did not see any sparks or whatever like in some people cases... I used a proper plastic pry tool to remove the battery all the times, so i don't think I could have caused any king of short.

Whats bothering me is the coincidence, has anyone ever experienced a battery that dies from being disconnected for a while and then reconnected? It was 89% when I got the laptop before the update.

Update (12/11/2016)

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Here are photos of the logic board. If anyone could point me out the components I should check with a multimeter, I would be very grateful.

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Ist dies eine gute Frage?

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Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm currently having the exact same problem


Did you ever resolve this? I’m having the same problem! I even tried putting in my old battery and it does the same thing.


was this resolved ? After replacing battery, my macbook does not recognize the battery. However, if I unplug the charger, it still works. when plugged in, the adapter shows amber, other than briefly green at SMC reboot


i have silved this problem geting a new battery wont help because this is not a battery issue nor is it an smc issue or battery indecator issue the problem lies within the charging mechanism static electricity is build up inside of the battery indecator and cant escape to fix this you can change you battery indecator or simply disconnect it and hold down the battery indecator button for 20 sec reinstall and the five blinking lights should be gone

it literally took me 1year of searching to figure this out!

no one has an answer to this question however if you start your man and see the five blinking white lights press your button indecator to see if it blinks five times as well just to be sure it is not the SMC


Next to the battery connector there is a silver plate with holes. When I push the bit of it that is closer to the battery cinnector (always use an insulated tool when messing inside a powered machine or leave it to shop repair guys) the green light turned orange for the first time in a long time. So I opened it up and added heat resistant padding and screwed it back on so now it constantly has pressure on it


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14 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

Try resetting the SMC

Connect the power adapter to the Mac. On the MacBook / Pro's keyboard, hold down the Shift+Control+Option keys and the Power button at the same time. Release all keys and the power button at the same time – the little light on the MagSafe adapter may change colors briefly to indicate the SMC has reset.

That failing zap the PRAM

Shut down your machine. Yes, all the way down, not sleep or logging out.

Press the power button and then press command-option-p-r. ...

Hold those keys down until your Mac reboots again and you here the startup chime.

Let go of the keys and let your Mac reboot normally.

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Experienced this problem when I updated to Mojave and this worked! Thank you!


I was really freaking out when the fan spin hard but no power input. I thought something was wrong with hardware which is a big deal.

Following this instruction, I got my Mac back to normal.



You are a life saver. same issue as above. thank you


Awesome! Thank you.


I had the exact same problem, and an update to Mojave also fixed my problem!


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1. If the Macbook turns off straight away when the charger is unplugged, will most likely be the battery.

2. If you unplug the charger and the screen goes off (but the sleep light or fan still spins for a bit before turning off, showing it is running from the battery) it will be either the SDA or SCL resistors, which allow the battery to communicate with the SMC.

Would recommend getting a battery if it is the first situation. If it is the 2nd, try a new battery anyway before looking into the logic board. Visually check the board for liquid damage or burnt components too, especially around the 28 pin IC to the right of the RAM and above the battery connector.

EDIT: SDA and SCL resistor location

Block Image

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My situation is the second, If I unplug the charger the screen foes off but the sleep light comes up and only after a few seconds it turns completely down.

Is it possible to check the SDA and SCL resistors with a multimeter?

I have looked on the entire logic board and nothing seems busted... No corrosion or burnt components.

The 28 pin seems normal ( I updated the topic with photos.)


Measure the resistance on both resistors with no power going to the Macbook (see picture in my answer for the location). Should be around 2k ohms, if it is significantly different let me know.

Could be the battery, and if these measure fine, would recommend buying a new battery.


@reecee or maybe SMC chip


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Just had the same issue with someone’s 2012 13” rMBP. However, it just started doing it by itself. Was never disassembled. Charger glowed orange, and I was able to power on if I held down the power button while plugging in the charger, although it ran with fans on full speed, and battery wasn’t recognized.

Checked out the battery and connectors physically, but it looked good, apart from some dust. No swelling or the like. Pressing the power button alone would spin the fans in slow bursts, but nothing else.

Tried SMC and PRAM resets multiple times, didn’t work. Then I tried plugging in the 85w charger from my own 2013 15”, and it turned on instantly, battery recognized too. It was on zero percent charge though, but started charging normally after a few minutes. Maybe the battery was so drained that the smaller charger couldn’t kick it into life - it does have lithium batteries, and this can also happen on 18v power tools lithium batteries, where you have to do a few things before they will charge, if they are completely drained. Normally a Mac will shut down by itself before they drain completely, but I’m not sure what happened in this case. Works now though, also with the smaller charger.

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I would recommend you start by double checking the battery to logic board connection. Did you damage one of the wires from the battery?

Otherwise, I agree you'll need a second battery here to double check things.

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I rechecked the battery to logic board connection more than once, yes. And as far as I can see, no wires were damaged. I have done this process in 6 or 7 different macbooks and nothing went wrong so, I'm just hoping this is a coincidence and a new battery can solve it.

Meanwhile, all answers and opinions are welcome!

Thank you


was it resolved


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I have the same problem. Please help me

I plugged my computer for charging overnight. This morning when I plugged out the wire the displays shut downs quickly and it is not charging. There is no battery information also available in the system information page. Please help me what could be the problem.

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most likely your battery is dead and has to be replaced


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What value of resistance are we looking at on these two resistors.

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I plugged my computer for charging overnight. This morning when I plugged out the wire the displays shut downs quickly and it is not charging. There is no battery information also available in the system information page. Please help me what could be the problem.


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I have the same problem

Also I have two A1286 and three batteries A1382

All three butteries works normally on first one laptop and no one works on the second one.

Coconut app tells that no batteries is on the second laptop as and side button doesn’t light any led.

SMS was reset (I think so) many times, but no changes.

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Arsalan how did you fix your problem? Im having a similar problem


I've bought on ebay the logic board (about 40 euro) and switch them.


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Hi all,

I followed MacBook Pro (13 Zoll, Mitte 2012, Unibody) Kühlkörper Austausch to replace thermal paste of my MacBook Pro 13” Mid 2012. Everything was fine except that the battery could not be detected. After some troubleshooting, I stumbled on a PIN in the SOCKET of the battery connector that was NO LONGER STRAIGHT. I must have distorted the pin as I replaced the battery cable plug. The battery was back once I straightened the pin.

You might want to perform such a quick visual check before resorting to other means.



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ahh ok so you think it was a pin on the board where the battery connects? or are you saying the pins on the battery?


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I have since my last post fixed my MacBook however I still stand by my solution 5 blinks before your mac turns on is a battery power cycle error caused by too many computer shutdowns or restarts especially if your MacBook is over 3years old

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Unplug your battery and plug it back in

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I have this same exact issue..started yesterday...no battery detected at all, like there was never a battery in the hardware ?? Yellow light on the charger, whole shebang..wth is going on? It looks like this is a common problem and macbook is a rebuild I just bought last month. I don't see any one answer here that actually determined the problem and fixed it..anybody?

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Consider the number of different configurations...

- different machines MacBook, MacBook Pro,

- different years, 2010 - 2022. (12)

- different operating systems, each one unique, variations on a theme, at best.

- different kinds of failure modes (3?)

So, maybe 12 x 2 machine types, x 3 different failure modes = ~ 72 possibilities.

There will not be any ONE solution!


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I have thesame issue with my macbook mid 2012

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Hi, i fix it resetting the pram (pressing option + ⌘ + P + R).

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Well, I found the solution! I just shut down my Macbook Air, threw it down on the bed a couple of times upside down (with the screen-lid side hitting the mattress), and then started it up - voila! it worked, the battery icon was back on the status bar. OS is Catalina. Thanks, Steve, for the small wonders you've invented!

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