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The DJI Phantom 4 is a smart flying camera with a plethora of sensors as well as a 3.1 Mile (5 Kilometer) range and 28 minute flight time.

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Constant beeping (1 long 2 short) coming from controller

Hi there

My DJI P4 has recently started constantly beeping (1 long 2 short) from the controller but still operates and fly's the drone without issues. No error messages come up on the GO app and all firmware is up to date. It only started intermittantly beeping a week after the controller got a light spray of water but now its every time. If it still operates and fly's without issues water may not be the problem?

Any help would be appreciated



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have a look here....


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have a look here


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have a look at this thread, it has a table on with common error beeps


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Block Image

hope this helps some

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hav e sky viper aaaaaaaaaaaa ##&&%

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eh.barz wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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