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Guides and repair information for Shark vacuums.

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Shark Rocket hose broken at base

The hose where it bends from the floor cleaner to the stick is broken. Need to know where I can take it for repair in the 23464 area. I have only had this a little over two years and have never had a vacuum break when it is so new. Not happy!

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Elizabeth Braithwaite, You could try contacting the manufacturer(1st link below) to see how well they will stand behind their product(voice your concerns of problem) or enquire of their recommended service center in/near your location. You could try to do a search in yellow pages or on the Net for local repair shop, 2nd link below may help. Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.



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Buy a length of 1 inch/3mm uvpc pipe

Cut to fit

Insert into broken pipe

Assemble vacuum

Job done..

Much cheaper than buying a new powered head from shark

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I have owned 4 different shark vacuums and each of them have had that exact same problem. I had just been buying a new vacuum each time it happened because you have to replace the entire head of the vacuum. This time I was fed up and after seeing the same issue on every shark vacuum I have owned I decided that I was not buying yet another vacuum after only having this one for 2 years. I called shark and she said there is a warrenty on all shark vacuums but she said it didnt cover the hose in the vacuum head and you have to replace the entire head of the vacuum which she would be happy to do for 99 dollars plus tax. The cord that connects to the handle is also fraying and is about to lose connection. She said that it covered and it will cost me 19.99 plus tax and shipping. So a total of 150. That's like paying for a new vacuum. I explained that we own our ouw remodel company and that we have always used alot of their products which will no longer happen if they dont fix the 4th vacuum I have purchase and had the same issue happen. I asked to speak with a supervisor and she offered to give me the vacuum head for 50% off. So total I would pay around 80 dollars. Again I said that's not happening. She then said she would give it all to me for 50 dollars with no shipping. I agreed because I can be without a vacuum for long and I'd rather pay 50 then 200 for a new one. I will be making a complaint about this issue as it seems it happens to alot of shark vacuums and it needs to be recalled or fixed. So my advice is to call shark and throw a fit about this. Say there is alot of people that had the same thing happen. If u argue enough you could probably get it for free. For 60 dollars I have a new vacuum. The only part not new is the wand.

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My SECOND HOSE just split in the same spot. The first one they only charged for shipping. Which was more than I would've thought. Then, my Son's vacuum did the same thing...he was charged full price. Now my second just split. Apparently, this is a cheap part and they know about this problem. Seems they've had ENOUGH TIME to fix it. I refuse to buy ANOTHER Shark UNTIL they fix it,, even though I have loved it, otherwise.


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Broken hose on mine. 50 to replace. Never buying shark again. After 9 months too

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Same here bought it 4 months ago


Ditto Same issue for me vacuum about one year old Never buy shark vacs


2 years and same problem for me. Spent a ton of money on a vacuum that lasted 2 years. Vacuum has 5 year warranty but the hose is a "wearable part" and is not covered by warranty. So with that being said you should be able to purchase just hose and not entire floor deck. Guy from Shark explained be it like tires on car! Only thing he forgot to mention is when ties on car wear out you buy new tires not a NEW car. This company is a JOKE stay away.


After the Shark rep informed me that the internal hose in the floor nozzle is not covered by warranty, and my vacuum is only 4.5 years old and works very well otherwise, I found a way to fix it, using 1.125" pump discharge hose. The original hose is so degraded, after cutting the wire through the opening at the hinge, it pulls out like a wire. Then you can just slide in the new discharge hose and it works like new. There is clearly a problem with the hose quality that Shark should address, but they have not. I'll run mine until it dies, then never again buy a Shark.


Same thing just happened to mine The rubber hose at the base broke I couldn’t figure out why so much garbage was ending up on the floor so I investigated A $300 vacuum cleaner shouldn’t need to be replaced after 2 years Not only that, there is no easy way to take it apart and duct tape the hose together. I will not be buying another Shark. If I need to replace a vacuum cleaner every two years, I’ll buy something cheaper. I have a Rainbow that is over 20 years old, but is a pain to put together. I’ll use that until I get a replacement .


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Same issue on my Shark. I did not call to ask about replacement parts, but since this is my second Shark with issues I am done buying Shark. I will not purchase again.

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Go on Amazon the hoses are literally like eight bucks

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