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Part of the Rebel Series, the Canon Rebel T4i is a Digital SLR with an 18 megapixel sensor with an LCD monitor. Also known as the EOS 650D and the EOS Kiss X6i.

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Camera taking black picktures

Canon EOS 650D camera is taking black pictures no image. I have checked the shudder it is working fine. Can it be the DSLR sensor and how do I replace it and where do I get it?

Canon EOS Rebel T4i / 650D

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@dubruynh use this guide to get to it. Step 12 and on will show you te location and the flex of the image sensor

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Thank you but how can I know it is for certain the image sensor. And where can I find it.


Is this maybe the thing I need? Kiss X6I CCD CMOS image sensor for Canon


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