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Das Asus X555LA ist ein preiswertes Laptop, welches im Mai 2015 auf den Markt kam. Es hat den Intel i5 Prozessor und ist als Einsteigermodell konzipiert.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Could I change my keyboard with a backlit one?

I love my laptop, but i broke the keyboard and just took it out as it was annoying me. I was searching ebay and found ones from hong kong for about $30 with backlights. If i install it, would it work? Where would i plug in the backlight cable? Heres one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-ASUS-X555LB-...

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3 Kommentare

Welcome back gigaman! You've been pretty discreet this summer.


Thanks, its been a long summer of doing nothing, and it was pretty fun.


@gigabit87898 I have not forgotten you, just spent to many hours in doctors offices this week to get things done - another four hours today and then sitting at the pharmacy waiting for the insurance company to approve scripts. I hope there's a special place in HE double L for the bean counters at the insurance companies and a urinal is placed over their heads and they count it as rain. I'll be there giving them my blessing.


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Gewählte Lösung

If your laptop will take an illuminated screen there'll be socket for it clearly visible under the keyboard. If there isn't there won't be much you can do short of re-engineering your laptop.

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I found where the socket SHOULD go. It has 4 pads and I am assuming 2 are ground and 2 are vcc.


Assuming the illumination ribbon on the illuminated keyboard has 4 tracks you could probably solder something like this to the pads:


It's possible the illuminated keyboard has an intelligent LED driver on it allowing the brightness to be controlled. In that case, indeed, one pad will be ground and another Vcc, but the other 2 will probably be a serial clock and serial data for an i2c bus. Those will be held at Vcc in their quiescent state.


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