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Die Xbox One S ist eine Entwicklung von Microsoft. Sie erschien im August 2016 als Neuauflage der Xbox One.

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Help with stuck Xbox Controller B button

So, I have a Xbox One S controller with a stuck B button. I called Microsoft and they are sending me a new one and letting me keep the old one. So, I was wondering if I could fix the messed up button. It registers as pressed constantly but is not physically stuck. Has been tested on 2 Xbox Ones and a PC.

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You can try this teardown below and see is something is possibly jamming the B button under the rubber as shown in step 8. It might be a software issue as well, but it's worth a shot to take it apart if it's not working anyways.

Xbox One Wireless Controller Teardown

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Thanks! I’ll try this. It’ll have to go on my teardown table tomorrow!


This worked! The button was caught somehow on the paneling. I broke the haptic motor doing it but I have a soldering gun...


Ayyy, good to hear. Glad you figured it out and good luck with the re-soldering


I don't know how to solder I have a brand new well two-week-old Xbox One controller and the a button is sticking it's not dirt and I don't know how to solder I also don't take apart controllers I don't have that level of high-tech is there help please I need to fix my controller and I'm kind of limited Q-tips and alcohol fix dirt it's not dirt


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Rubbing alcohol on a q tip wipe around edge of button and press the button rapidly no more sticky button your welcome

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As I said, it is not physically stuck, I don’t eat and game. It’s something within the device, it clicks just fine.


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