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Lenovo Business Laptop, welcher April 2011 veröffentlicht wurde. Das X220 ersetzt das Thinkpad X201. Wesentliche Verbesserungen umfassen: Verfügbarkeit eines 1366x768 IPS-Displays, Intel Core CPUs der 2. Generation, ein neuer Trackpoint, neue Ultrabase, SATAIII. Nachfolger des X220 ist das X230.

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How to Reset Bios Password?

Hi All,

I have Lenovo X201i and have supervisor password on it. I want to reset this password.

I dont know the password and without password it is just useless.

Please give me a solution.

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You just need 4 steps to do it. It is easy in this guide, https://www.isunshare.com/blog/how-to-re...


generic answer. The x201 has a more elaborated password mechanism *stored in a separate nonvolatile chip* so this answer is useless


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4 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

There are 2 ways to do this.

1) purchase a password removal service from Ebay

2) purchase a new BIOS chip. You would then locate and desolder the BIOS chip from the laptop then solder the new one in its place.


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As i know the way 1 will be easier, the login password or admin password can be removed from your Lenovo ,https://www.recoverywindowspassword.com/... , It has nothing to do with the BIOS.


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Hilfreichste Antwort

I think my x201 has BIOS firmware but your X201i may well be UEFI. In which case there are software tools you can use, which we refer to in the Restart Wiki - see https://therestartproject.org/wiki/UEFI_...

If it's BIOS there should be some way of resetting it - most likely a pair of solder pads on the motherboard that you have to short together. On some laptops I recovered a while back it was a bit tricky but worked in the end. Hopefully, MrGoogle will be able to help you if you pester him hard enough, if not yandex.ru or baidu.cn tend to have less scruples about sharing manufacturers' data.

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I have searched a lot and tried shorting bios chip but no result.


That won't work. You cannot short it. You have to replace the BIOS chip or have a service unlock it for you. The new UEFI has some sort of secondary security. Blame it on Snowden.


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hi sir how are you

i need halp for my lenovo t440p laptop in bios how to unlock plesse tell me thanks

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Been there - done that with my thinkpad x230. To remove supervisor password - just short circuit SDA and SCL legs on the EEPROM chip before entering the BIOS on startup Chip wherebouts: http://www.ja.axxs.net/x220.htm Instructions to follow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANZjUPUY...

Some disadvantages of locked BIOS:

  • you can't change boot device
  • you are not able to enable Virtualization abilities of the CPU
  • you couldn't turn off Anti-Theft and other security features

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Where are the pins in a lenovo x230?


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