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Der Kindle Paperwhite 2 wurde Ende 2013 freigegeben. Das Gerät hat ein 6 Zoll Display, 84 Pixel pro Zentimeter, drahtlose Verbindungsmöglichkeit, und eine 28 Stunden Batteriekapazität.

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After switching on my Kindle goes down

After I switch on the Kindle, the screen lits up and shows the progress bar. When the progress bar is full the device goes down. The battery is fully charged. Reseting the device doesn't help. The memory is only 5% used. Any idea what can I do?

Update (01/04/2018)

The situation with my Kindle is not described in the Kindle Paperwhite 2nd Generation Troubleshooting.

I have tried to reset the device by pushing the start button for 20 seconds and by removing the battery for some time, but the situation remained the same. It seems to me that the operating system can not load.

When connected to PC, I can see the files and the directories. After disconnecting from PC I can see the first page of the device for a second and then it goes off. Actually I can make a video clip of my Kindle's behaviour.

I have loaded a video on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1DgU5Js...

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While on the charger do you have this issue?


Thank you for your very quick reaction. Yes, I do.


What do you mean the "device goes down"?


The device switches off. I need to press the start button for more than 10 seconds to restart the device.


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any of these match your issue? Kindle Paperwhite 2nd Generation Troubleshooting is the first one helpful?

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The situation with my Kindle is not described in the Kindle Paperwhite 2nd Generation Troubleshooting.


Oops sorry, I thought one of the issues matches up.


@indorso did you do any repairs or drop it in water EVER? water corrosion can come back long after it actually was there


I can't answer that, because I bought it second hand. Here is my video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1DgU5Js....


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