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Repair guides for Gear Fit2, Samsung's fitness-oriented smartwatch, released June 2016.

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Can I fix my cracked screen gear fit pro 2?

Hi everyone !

For cristmas gift I received a Samsung Gear fit pro 2 ( the difference between the pro model is the normal is that it's 50m waterproof).

Unfortunately (I don't know how it even happend) I got my screen cracked ! It's working but I'm quite sure my watch is not waterproof anymore.

I have to question :

- As it's a new model, do you think it's fixable ?

- If yes, does someone know if there is a place where I can get the replacement screen ?

Thanks you so much for your help guys !!

Diese Frage beantworten Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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yes interested in responses here. if only could program in swimming i did, wouldnt be still trying to wear it in pool. might waterproof it myself by wearing it in bag or covering in silicone as cost to fix screen more than cost of new unit.


Why don't they make a better %#*@ SCREEN!


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Unfortunately it doesn't look like that part is widely available as of this posting (as the device ages, the parts may appear).

Anywhere that isn't using Samsung official parts and adhesives will definitely return to you a device which is not 50m water resistant. It will likely rival a replacement cost.

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"It will likely rival a replacement cost" : by that you mean replacement of the watch or replacement of the screen by Samsung ?


Of the watch.


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eBay seems to be the place to find parts for these. They are costly. Screens seem to be north of $60 USD. It will not be as waterproof as before as the factory seal will be compromised after replacement. However, if your screen is cracked, it is no longer waterproof anyhow.

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Thanks for you answer ! Do you think it will wateproof enough to go swimming ? (no way I was going to go diving with it even before the crack)...


I cracked my screen too! On the top right hand corner. I now take it off to shower and do dishes but I've asked around and it seems it will cost over $100 to fix


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