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The Asus ROG Strix GL702VM-BHI7N09 is a gaming computer released by Asus in January 2017.

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Need Advice on Re-soldering Battery Connection to Motherboard

Hello wonderful people of ifixit.com,

I attempted to disconnect my battery from my Asus Strix GL702VM laptop, by following this tutorial from a community member.

However, one simple oversight in the tutorial led me to rip the motherboard connection to the battery. (As seen in pictures below)

The laptop still works perfectly fine, except it now has no battery (evidently)

Is it possible that the connector could be Re-soldered to the motherboard, so I can use my battery once again? And if so, is it better to do it myself, or to outsource it to some specialist (bearing in mind I've never touched a soldering iron before)

Any help would be appreciated,

Thank you

P.S. Apologies if this post is a little long

Block Image
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(This last image is where I've tried to line the connector up to where it's meant to be. )

Block Image
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now the pictures are a little low rez, so its difficult to say, but it LOOKS like your pads have been torn from the board on at least 2 of the pins. IF this is the case you will need to reconstruct the pins, or jump wires to their nearest connecting node. (need the Wiring diagram to find those)

Howeverm if not, reattaching it is a simple job, one pin at a time with basic soldering techniques. a quick youtube tutorial on soldering would be all you need.

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Yeah, I noticed that when uploading. Not sure if there's any way to upload higher resolution versions.

If you mean what I think you mean by pads, then I think two of the ones in the middle, along with the 2 on the outer edge slightly further back have been torn off (as in, where is no metal on the board part, only beige colour PCB, I'm assuming?).

So how would I go about doing either of those? Probably reconstructing the pins option however. I doubt I could find a wiring diagram anywhere with relative ease


a reconstruction is VERY tricky, and a microscope REALLY helps.

you need to scratch off the top layer of the PCB to expose some copper in the circuit, on the node you need to build onto, then attach a piece of soldered wire to it extending to where the pad used to be. this acts as the pad, and usually fixes the issue.

you would need to be very careful not to expose a seperate node, as that would cause a short in the board, making things worse.

Its much more skill heavy than jumping them, but also doesnt require any data sheets.


Ah, I see

Sounds somewhat possible, but very risky. Almost too risky to justify doing it myself, I feel

Where would I get my hands on a data sheet?

Or are you aware of any professional I could outsource it to, so they could do the job?


any local repair shop worth their salt can at least make the attempt at the reconstruction.

As for the Repair manuals, unfortunately they are generally for the Manufacturer repairs. in order to find them, you would either need to find leaked copies online, or to "know a guy" that can get them. unfortunately i only have a source for samsung, and LG phone repair manuals.


Alright, I might have to have a look around then. I don't think there are many round where I live, but I can hope

Ah, right. I definitely don't "know a guy" from ASUS unfortunately, so that's out of the question

Thank you though


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i do these reconstruction jobs a lot. yes you ripped up two middle pins, no the pins can not be replaced, thus you will need a good micro scope and some micro wire and jumper the wire to the copper contacts at the end of both traces. Better not even attempted by a non professional. it is a complicated process that requires exact tools and know how to do it or you could further damage the motherboard.

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Ah, %#*@. That's annoying

Is it worth me trying to find a professional in my local area that perhaps could do it, without damaging the motherboard further? I'd imagine that it would be rather costly, though


most shops would do it for about $90 to $120 so not too bad considering the cost of a new one.


Any chance you know of any shops? Because I was just going to RMA it with ASUS, but it's £45 just to ship it, then god knows what after


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