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A 2012 Windows 8 gaming laptop manufactured by Asus.

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Will not turn on after shutting down.

I went to turn on the laptop and got a solid blue screen and waited for several minutes, this has happened a few times, I pushed the power button and hold it down until the the laptop shut down and all lights were off, when I have restarted the laptop in the past everything worked fine, this time nothing happens, waited and tried again the next day still nothing, I bought this in dec of 2016 from best buy, they tell its out of warranty and won't help. I like this unit and would like to fix it, any ideas what to do to test and repair.

Thank you

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Hi @bartster ,

Try the following:

1. Disconnect the charger from the laptop.

2. Remove the battery from the laptop.

3. Press and hold the laptop's Power button for 30 seconds to drain any residual power from the laptop.

4. Reconnect the charger to the laptop and switch the charger on. (leave the battery out at this stage)

5. Turn on the laptop.

If the laptop starts OK and doesn't freeze after the Power reset, allow the laptop to boot all the way to the Windows desktop, wait until the HDD activity settles and then shutdown the laptop in the normal manner. When it has completely shutdown, switch off and disconnect the charger, reinsert the battery, reconnect and switch on the charger and start the laptop. Allow the laptop to boot all the way to the Windows desktop and then check the charging status of the battery. if it is charging, allow it to fully charge before disconnecting the charger.,

If the laptop starts but "freezes" with a blue screen force shutdown the laptop by pressing the Power button until it shuts down.

Assuming that you have Win 10, you have a couple of choices.

1. Try to get into the Windows Recovery Environment in the following manner.

Turn on the laptop and when it freezes force shutdown the laptop. Do this 3 times in a row, i.e. start >boot > force shutdown >start > boot > force shutdown >start > boot > etc.

On the 3rd attempt the laptop should boot into the WRE.

When in WRE select Troubleshooting > Advanced > Startup repair and follow the prompts.

DO NOT select Reset this PC as this will reinstall Windows and erase all your data.

Once you can get into Windows OK and are satisfied that it is working OK , shutdown the laptop in the normal manner. When it has completely shutdown, switch off and disconnect the charger and reinsert the battery.

Reconnect and switch on the charger and turn on the laptop. When it has booted all the way to the desktop check the charging status of the battery. If it is charging allow it to fully charge before disconnecting the charger.

2. If the above doesn't work for whatever reason, have you got a Win 10 recovery USB? You can create one from any known working Win 10 computer. You'll need a 8GB USB flashdrive and 40-60 minutes of time. Go to Control panel > Recovery > Create USB recovery drive in the host PC.

When you have the USB recovery drive, insert into the laptop. You'll need to change the boot order to show USB as 1st option, also you'll have to change setting in BIOS to enable Legacy USB (or CSM -not sure with your model).

When the laptop boots from the USB select Troubleshooting > Advanced > Startup repair and follow the prompts.

DO NOT select Reset this PC as this will reinstall Windows and erase all your data.

Once you are satisfied that all is well, shutdown the laptop in the normal manner. When it has shutdown, remove the USB flashdrive and restart the laptop. Go into BIOS and undo the changes you made earlier (i.e. boot order and Legacy USB or CSM) and restart the laptop.

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I have the same issue and the problem is that i have a non-removable battery in my asus laptop. How to do these fixes for a laptop with non- removable battery.


Hi @ Naval verma,

You may have to open up the laptop and disconnect the battery from the motherboard, press the Power button for 30 seconds and then reconnect the battery and check if it will now start up.

You do NOT have to remove the battery just disconnect it.

Pressing the Power button for 30 seconds with the battery disconnected enables any residual power in the motherboard to drain away and if there is any corrupted data settings they will be restored to their default values.

Look for your make and model laptop in the Search box at the top of the page in case there is an ifixit repair guide that shows how to open the laptop and disconnect the battery in your laptop.


I will surely try this out but just out of curiosity, i want to know the root cause of this issue. I am charging my laptop by connecting adapter to extension cord. Is there a chance that a faulty extension cord can be a cause for this type of issue?

Secondly, will power reset (while battery is removed) permanently solve this issue ? I am asking because i have already tried power resetting (battery was not removed) but still problem persists after i shutdown my laptop.


Hi @ naval verma,

IF it works after you do this, then perhaps corrupted data was the problem.

This can be caused by a lot of things and is hard to track down.

You can only hope that it doesn't occur again or if it does that you can restore it successfully.

I'm sorry I can be more certain about the cause as it could be individual to your computer and not a common cause.

The solution to overcome the problem whilst not successful in every case does seem to cover a lot of makes and models.


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If you are comfortable in the BIOS, consider updating the BIOS with EZ flash. You download the latest BIOS from Asus, copy to a USB drive, and boot to BIOS and install. It's very fast.

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Hi @metaldog ,

Bit hard to do this as the OP stated "Will not turn on ....." ;-)


The blue screen is the tip off. It is powering up (fan spin), but Windows is so corrupted it will not boot. Even just re-installing Win10 to a new (or wiped) HDD can be the ticket.


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