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Die dritte Generation der Samsung Galaxy Note Phablet Serie wurde am 25 September 2013 veröffentlicht. Es trägt die Modelnumer N9005.

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Why wont my phone stay on?

I dropped my phone last night and i tried turning it on but it wouldnt. I then put it on the charger and it kept vibrating and showing me the lightning charging logo. I held the power button to turn it on and it did but then as soon as it did it glitched and turned back off. I resetted it and everything and tried to power it on but it still glitches after a minute or two then turns off. I left it on the charger overnight but the same thing keeps happening. Can someone help me please? I really need my phone for work and school.

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Your battery is bad. Buy a new battery.

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My battery is fine, My phone turned on and it was working well then i dropped it again and the same thing happened all over again.


Your phone is having symptoms of a weak battery. If you’re saying it’s fine then I’m not sure what it is, sorry.


okay thanks i will try out new battery


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