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No power after replacing a bowl lift

Hi ifixiters

I have a Kitchen Bowl Lift Stand Mixer (European version). Model number 5KSM7591.

The bowl lift got damaged and needed replacing, so I bought a replacement. I thought I needed to remove the motor but after removing the cover I realised that wasn't the route. I may have unplugged a cable connection that sits next to the fan but reconnected it.

I then removed the base and installed the new bowl lift without disconnecting any of the cables.

The mixer now does not turn on. I have changed the plug in the fuse, and checked the socket and tried other sockets.

Any thoughts on what may have gone wrong? Is there a fail safe connector or something that I'm not aware of?

Thanks in advance

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If it wasn’t broken before you fixed it, then it’s something you did. Go back in and reconnect again what you took off. Do not have it plugged in while you do this.

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Thank you Mayer for your response.

I checked every connection but everything is connected and solid, so I really cannot understand it.


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