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The Inspiron 15-3521 has an optional touch screen feature and has a 15.6" display. This laptop is also complete with a matte finish and keyboard complete with number pad.

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7 beeps on startup with fans but no display


I was given a Dell laptop the other day with gave out one monotonous beep every 3 seconds. I managed to reflow some of the ICs on the board and it now gives me 7 beeps when I power it on which I think suggests something to do with a CPU cache error? I contacted dell but they would't tell me anything about how to fix it and instead offered to repair it at cost. Typical! I have tried reflowing the South/north bridge and CPU which provided no result so I would be grateful if anybody has any suggestions.


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Temporary solution to that problem is to provide heat cover the laptop with blanket left it on after 25 minutes . switch on the laptop it will work

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