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Repair guides and teardowns for Samsung feature phones. This category is for phones not using an Android or Windows operating system.

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Who supplies replacement displays for a Samsung Phone SCH-U450?

Daughter dropped phone; everything functions but display remains black. Disassembly was straightforward and no apparent damage. Now I need a display. Identifying marks;

S210EF02LA9N94G30 USP5280971


On "controller" interface board;



BH 0934 (Date Code?)

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You can get an OEM lcd here.

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I didn't know this was called an "Intensity" model; Google found a variety of sources. EBay also lists OEM displays. Thanks!


yeah if you just google it the first results tell you it's the "Intensity". Glad to know this solved your problem


Oh and also, we'd greatly appreciate it if you could document the process, and create a repair manual for this process.


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