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Erschienen im März 2017, ist das G6 LGs Flaggschiff-Smartphone mit Android 7.0. Dieses Gerät ist bei den meisten Händlern erhältlich. Eine Reparatur dieses Geräts kann die Wasserdichtigkeit beschädigen und das Gerät anfällig für Wasserschäden machen.

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Touch screen not working

I have a phone labeled “LG Fortune 2”, I chose “G6” because appearance-wise it was the closest, “Fortune 2” not being in the list of devices.

It got wet though not soaked - rained on , predictably would not boot. The moisture telltales all turned orange.

I dried it out and it booted fine, screen lights normally, but the touch screen will not work at all. The only way to get it to light is the home button.

What, if anything, can be done to correct this?


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Thanks. I will replace the digitizer. I see they can be had for about $10.


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Sounds like you need a front digitizer replacement. If that isn’t the issue, it could potentially be a logic board short. Water damage is tricky to diagnose directly, but I would try a digitizer replacement first.

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As Jonathan said, water damage is tricky to diagnose. There may be corrosion on the screen connector causing the touch not to work. Its also possible a component on the board is shorted out. You will have to replace the whole screen assembly (glass, digitizer, LCD) if you want a new touchscreen because it is bonded together. A new screen will do nothing though if the corrosion isnt cleaned off of the connector, or if the logic board is shorted. Its going to be about the same or cheaper to replace that phone than fix the screen.

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