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Reparaturanleitungen und Hilfe für das Huawei Mate 9, ein Android Smartphone, welches erstmals im November 2016 erschien.

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Block BonzaSpins sms spam

I keep receiving spam sms from a gambling site. There is no phone number just the name “BonzaSpins “ in the number feild.

There is also a message with a link to what is probably a gambling website. How do I block this?

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this worked for me on a samsung 9+, I’m assuming that the principle is similar. These spam pop ups are linked to your browser, for me it was google. Go to settings>google>personal info & privacy>ads personalisation- switch it off.

you may also like to check chrome/fb etc

it may be malware in an app, delete your most recently downloaded apps, if the problem stops you know it was the app.

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I guess you can call your phone carrier support center and ask them block this abonent
it must be a spam casino website because regular ones that work fairly don't send you emails, sms and don't call you

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You're right, licensed online casinos don't commit spamming.


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On my Samsung I could click and hold on a message then I’d get a pop up with the option to ‘block and report spam’. Worth a try.

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Maybe you shouldn't block it?

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