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The Canon EOS Rebel T5 is an 18MP DSLR camera released in February 2014. Also known as the EOS 1200D and the EOS Kiss X70.

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Flashing Yellow light in front of camera

Yellow light flashing on front of camera and will not let me take a picture. Pop-up flash kept hitting hat brim and eventually stopped working. This is for my EOS Rebel T5 1200D

I have removed the battery and that did not solve the problem.

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I know that you probably aen’’t having this problem anymore but I also had it and figured out that I had accidentally turned on the timer on my Rebel t6. The yellow light should blink for about ten seconds before taking a picture. To turn this off (on the t6) click on the left button next to the set button and then select “single shooting”. I hope that helps!

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Thank you so much !! It helped me


It helped me too, thanks buddy


Thank you! That totally fixed it. God bless you!


Posted photos on my answer to confirm this, checked on a T6i.

Essentially the T6i is the full fat version of your T6.


I made an account so fast and even screwed up my name just to say thank you for this. I've been photographing all my life and a rookie mistake almost sent me into a spiral because I'm in a rush


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What does it do when you try to take a picture? Specifically, at what point does it stop? Does the lens autofocus (if you have an autofocus lens for it)? Do any of the viewfinder lights come on? And what shooting mode are you in?

The flash thing is weird. It shouldn’t have stopped working just from hitting the brim of your hat. Have you tried turning flash off and making sure it’s not set to auto flash?

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It's the self timer mode.

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