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Der Logitech UE Boom 2 ist ein wasserdichter, tragbarer (IPX7) Bluetooth-Lautsprecher mit 360°-Sound. Er ist in vielen leuchtenden Farben und Mustern erhältlich.

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Why does my speaker stop playing?

My UE2 is updated, charged, paired, and has great sound quality. My issue is that it just stops playing with the power on. I have had Apple trouble shoot my iPhone and iPad… nothing wrong. When I play music on my phone or pad, no problem. As soon as I attach it to the speaker, it plays for a few minutes, then stops. It’s frustrating because I have had this speaker for a few years and love it! Then this started maybe 6 months ago. Logitech has had me unpair and pair to both devices and reset several times! HELP!!!

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2 Antworten

If your UE Boom 2 portable speaker has stopped producing any kind of sound, see the UE Boom 2 Is Not Producing Sound problem page for possible causes and solutions.

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My speakers remain silent. They used to play enjoyable music. What has changed.

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