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Dies ist die neueste Generation des EliteBook 840. Das EliteBook 840 G5 ist ein 2018 von HP hergestelltes Notebook.

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How to remove the display bezel?

I would like to know on how to remove the bezel of my laptop because one of the bezel area seems flexy (lower left area where the display connector is found). Hoping for a reply. Thank you.

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I’m not familiar with this particular laptop, but very often there are a couple of screws hidden under adhesive screw covers. You can remove them with a craft knife or other sharp implement. Or, they might be beneath rubber bumps to protect the lid from pressing too hard on the laptop body when closed.

Remove these screws, and then you should be able to remove the bezel by finding the crack between the bezel and the lid case and inserting a jimmy or similar thin bladed instrument in order to snap open the clips along all 4 edges.

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thank you for the reply. as i have inspected the laptop, there is a big chance that i may end up damaging some parts, such that it may outweigh my goal for this project which is to replace the double-sided tape. is there any outstanding benefit on insisting to replace the tape or can i just live the bezel as it is? hoping for a reply. thank you


Unsure if it's because he stated he isn't familiar with this laptop or something else but no screws are required to remove the bezel.


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This is probably completely irrelevant now for how old the post is but I’ll leave it here in case of anyone else looking to do this. The bezel is not secured by anything besides the clips and double sided tape. You will not require any screws to be removed. The main thing is to be careful as you pry the bezel loose from the clips and adhesive. Start from the top near the camera and work your way around.

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