Whether you can fix it yourself depends on how much electronic testing knowledge and basic test equipment you have, e.g. a DMM (digital multimeter) and soldering tools as a minimum.
Is the keyboard turning On, shown by the display turning on etc? If so that is a start as it shows that power is available, to some boards at least.
Can you hear any sounds when using headphones plugged into the headphone jack? if so that is even better as it shows that most of the audio circuit is working. If not you have to go back further in the audio output circuit.
Here’s a link to the service manual for your keyboard. To download the file when the sentence below the Document preview box changes from This file is downloadable free of charge: ...processing... to This file is downloadable free of charge: Download, click on Download, as this is the link. Be patient, it takes a little while to find the file.
Like all good service manuals, it has the dis-assembly instructions, schematic diagrams and the parts list which should help in finding and resolving the problem.
If you find this all too daunting, then as it seems that there is only one local repair shop who doesn’t come to you, in the end you may have to bring the keyboard to them to get it fixed.
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1 Kommentar
Good day Paulette,
having the same problem you had , i'm interrted in knowing how you actually fixed it ?
von PHIL rcr