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Fried iPod while working out in the gym

I am a deployed Soldier in the middle east and the heat can reach as high as 110 degrees. I was exercising with my ipod on my arm sleeve in the ac but still sweating a lot and all of a sudden it just stopped working. It doesnt turn on, it doesnt charge. its dead. The plastic on the arm sleeve was foggy and steamy. Do you have any recommendations?

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Thanks, for your response. I don't think it's water damage, because it wasn't that wet. It was more of a steam type of heat and moisture. If it did overheat do I have any options or is time to buy another one?


I would definitely start by disassembling it and take a look at any corrosion, salt built up as well as dust. Start with a new battery and take it from there. One step at a time is the only way to resolve this issue.

Of course do not forget Apple's adice "If you can't turn your iPhone or iPod touch on or off.

You may need to reset. Important: Only reset your iPhone or iPod touch if it is no longer responding. To reset, press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears."

carey, let me know how it is going with your ipod. Should you have any trouble with it over there, I am certain we can "fixit" over here :-)


First of all, I can't believe that 110 degrees can even be, because you exaggerated too much. Do you live in Death Valley or something?? Secondly, in this weather, I do not think that you can train for a high, you can catch a sunstroke, it's strange how bad you did not feel, even if the iPod died. Do not engage in bullshit such training you will ruin yourself, if you need a result, it is better to eat dietary supplements, ie steroid SARM. I started using them after 3 months in the gym because I didn't see the desired result, so it's better to try them, but before using them, read more on https://www.ceasar-boston.org/sr9009-dos...


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carey take a look at this and see if this is something you want to tackle...Electronics Water Damage Exactly which gen is your ipod? Might be time for a new battery....check for corrosion on your dock connector as well as debris.

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Was the iPod wet after taking it out of the case? If not, try holding the sleep/wake button and home button until the apple logo appears. If that doesn't work after about 15 seconds I'm guessing it got pretty wet and there are larger issues with liquid damage. Was the temp inside 110 degrees? They can overheat too - but if the ac was working I'm going to assume it wasn't that (else I will write to my rep on your behalf).

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