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Model A1225 / Mitte 2007 und Anfang 2008 / Core 2 Duo Prozessor mit 2,4 /2,8/3,06 GHz

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Why is my display fainting, high brightness

This is what my display shows:

Block Image
Block Image

I’ve replaced the LCD, LVDS cable, LCD temp sensor.

I’ve also try plugging in an external monitor and it shows perfectly no signs of the faint image.

When I boot the system display it randomly shows a normal image sometimes but when it does, the system powers off or goes to sleep. I can hit the space bar to wake it up sometimes but once I restart the system, it goes back to the fainted screen.

Could it be the GPU still even though the external monitors shows perfect? Or the logic board? Power supply?

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Ist dies eine gute Frage?

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To be clear the external monitor also has the same faint image is that correct?


No the external monitor shows perfectly which is why I’m so puzzled


Is it left alone for a long time


Never mind it very old? Or needs a sweep in junk or caehe


Yes it’s early 2009 A1225. Maybe so, i May need to reinstall OS


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2 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

My bet would be a failing inverter or cable. There is no guide for replacing it the 24” but the on for the 20” should work just fine:

The Cable Inverter , power is Apple part #922-8856

There is a possibility the 24” does not have an inverter, you’ll have to look. In that case replace the inverter cable

iMac Intel 20" EMC 2133 and 2210 Inverter Replacement

Here the complete Apple Service Source on your machine:


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Hey, thanks for the response. I've purchased the inverter cable and will be delivered Friday. I really think its the cable also because the A1225 model doesn't have a inverter, its on the LCD panel. The inverter cable is the only cable that hasn't been replaced that connect to the LCD so hopefully this will solve my issue.


Im with the 24" Mac with no inverter facing this problem , what i could do?


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I think you’re facing two issues which are interrelated.

First I would replace the PRAM battery which is located on the bottom right side of the logic board. Follow this guide to Step 12 iMac Intel 24" EMC 2134 und 2211 Festplatten austauschen

Block Image

Once replaced lets reset the display

  • Start by choosing Apple menu > System Preferences …
  • Select the Displays Preference Pane
  • Click the Color tab
Block Image

As soon as you do the washed out screen should be gone.

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How do i reset the display?


The action I listed will do it auto-magically!


hey thanks for the response. new battery was delievered yesterday and installed it and it still shows the faint image so i will try the inverter cable now


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